April 19, 2022 Board Meeting

Town of Richmond

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Chairman Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion to approve the Minutes by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Board Reports

Karbash – not much – talked to Overbeek

Overbeek – all on the agenda

Miller – inquiry re Turtle Lake property, responded. No other action. Wade – all on agenda

Kraus – all on agenda

Sheriff’s Liaison – Deputy Jason Hintz reported couple instances of fraud through email scams, asked people to be aware and cautious.

Roadman – Wally McManaway – culverts were installed at Johnson and Island Roads today, should take care of that flooding problem.

Public Comment – none

Mario Pacheco – Request to Serve Alcohol at Town Hall May 7 – Mr. Pacheco presented his request – Overbeek noted he has used the Hall before with no problems, Moved to approve. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Sale Price of Town-owned Lots in Skansen’s Subdivision – Kraus reported he had thought a neighbor was interested, but he is not; Badger Bob is willing to sell at auction without any commission cost to the Town.  Miller reported that a contact at Shorewood Realtors priced the parcel at $19,900, would charge the usual %, plus $3,000 for the MLS listing. Motion by Overbeek to go with Badger Bob State Auction, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Road Bids/Roadwork – Overbeek opened the sealed bid envelopes, passed the bids to Chairman. Karbash read the bids (chart attached). Motion by Overbeek to award the Chip Sealing bid to Scott Construction, noted they stand behind their work; Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek to award the Hot Mix bid to Payne & Dolan; second by Miller, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek to award the Cold Mix bid to Scott if we use any; Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Consideration of an Ordinance Designating All-Terrain Vehicle Routes – Wade noted the draft had been sent to Board previously, asked for any comments. Clerk noted several instances of the word “trails” that the Board had said should be omitted. Discussion about signage – McManaway estimated cost of $2,000 based on conversations with neighboring towns. May need joint ordinances such as we have with Darien re townline roads, he will research to check with others such as Whitewater, Sugar Creek, etc. Chair asked for other comments – Wayne Redenius objected to the use of “Routes” as opposed to “roads” in the ordinance. Question for Deputy Hintz about enforcement – he replied no problems. Consensus the draft needs more work, and Attorney’s opinion.

Scenic Ridge Campground re Road Signs – Tom asked if it is possible to have a portable “Slow – Children at Play” sign purchased by the campground that they could erect on weekends when traffic is heaviest and children are present at the campground. Miller – possibly a fixed sign that could be folded down when not in use – concerned about safety for children. Overbeek – signs usually don’t work to slow offenders. McManaway – had several requests years ago, not so much lately.  Kraus – is the Town responsible for accidents if we install signs? Overbeek – signs would be owned by the Town, but campground could make a donation for the cost.  Karbash – it should be a permanent structure, Town would be responsible, suggest we put up the sign and accept a donation. Motion by Miller that the Town install an appropriate sign at the correct places, Second by Wade, passed 4-1 with Overbeek voting No.

Airplanes on Turtle Lake – Ordinance 16.10.270 – Discussion that the Whitewater/Rice Lakes ordinance is appropriate; Motion by Miller to revise Town Ordinance 16.10.270 for Turtle Lake to read no airplanes on water, ice or snow, and further to add it to the Lake Lorraine ordinance. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Karbash will contact Attorney Moore with revisions.

Resolution to Exceed Statutory Levy Limits – Karbash read a letter received from Vilas County Vice Chair regarding the current levy limitations, asking the Legislature to lift the limits one time and allow a 10% increase for the 2023 levy.  He noted this has nothing to do with the Town of Richmond’s budget at this time.  Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to join Vilas County with a Resolution to the Legislature. Passed unanimously.

Part-time Road Employee – Overbeek noted with Randy Halverson retiring as of April 1, we are in need of a part-time employee for snowplowing and other help.  Paul Yakowenko, a local resident would be interested. Consensus that sounded good – Overbeek and McManaway will discuss. Overbeek then asked for Board approval to allow Roadman McManaway to occasionally work with Towns of Darien and Whitewater on a “mutual aid” basis when any of the towns are short of help – consensus was OK.

Hall Cleaning Service Fee Increase – The Dirt Consultant had asked for a $25/month increase in the $100 current fee. Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed 4-0 with Karbash abstaining because of a family connection.

ARPA Restricted Use Funds – Generator Bids -Clerk noted recent WTA information that the ARPA rules would not require closed bids since the project would be under $250,000. Wade supplied a spec sheet. Overbeek noted he had been referred to Adams Electric by Ackley Electric, and they are interested, will give us two spec sheet proposals. Motion by Overbeek to go with spec sheets from Adams and solicit two others for the May Board meeting, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Complaints – none

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Miller, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town Clerk