July 12, 2022 Board Minutes
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Kraus, Second by Miller/Wade to approve the Minutes of the June meetings, passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to table the Treasurer=s Report since bank statements have not yet been received, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Board Reports
Karbash – all on Agenda. Re Special Meeting held re the generator purchase – due to availability and scarcity of equipment that would cause a six month wait, decision was necessary before tonight. Board voted to purchase a generator for $6500 that will be powered by our tractor when needed.
Overbeek – quiet month. Call from Town of Whitewater re gypsy moths on Chapel Drive, called complainant and left message but have not heard back.
Miller – call re thistles. Plan Commission applications are available. Offer to contact our local DNR rep re the gypsy moths.
Wade – everything on agenda.
Kraus – same.
Sheriff=s Deputy Jason Hintz – no problems in Town of Richmond, very good! Rest of County has been busy.
Public Comment – Ms. Shutt is not present. Kim Alba asked to be put on record to complain about the lack of buoys on Turtle Lake. Maryann Zimmerman spoke on her own behalf as another candidate for the Office of 31st Assembly District.
Linda Szramiak re Turtle Lake Association – Clerk reported Ms. Szramiak is not able to attend tonight, asked to be tabled. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Wade, to table to August. Passed unanimously.
Joe Staller asked as part of Public Comment to speak about the Town Clerk Appointment, he gave information and spoke in favor of an appointed position. Miller thanked him for his input and for sharing with the public the process information that was already known to the Town Board. Brian Hayes spoke in favor of keeping the position elected as one who serves the people and should be elected by them. Wayne Redenius expressed concern that if an appointed Deputy Clerk is an employee, and is fired, that individual could sue the Town or receive unemployment insurance.
Martalock Mower Damage Request – Karbash reviewed the claim, read the police report aloud re damage to her car possibly from a rock kicked up by the Town mower. Karbash remarked he is sorry for her but not sure if enough evidence to blame the Town. Overbeek – this happens often, Moved to pay the damages. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
LURM re One-Time Event zoning. – Karbash noted this question started in Richmond. Overbeek explained with the ordinance the Town could regulate parking instead of the County. Karbash – Town would need to draft an ordinance. Overbeek – this is not for an every weekend event. Miller – language is ambiguous. Kraus – need exemptions. Overbeek – what types of zoning for properties included? Other questions: Need clarification on #11 – mentions public parking only. – could ordinance say public and/or private property? Where can park re lawns on premises? Events approved by municipality? What about setbacks? Overbeek – could help people be legal and avoid problems, should have our attorney look at this. Deputy Hintz – this is zoning issue, not Sheriff=s. Karbash – we should ask for clarification by County Zoning if the Town could allow parking on private property for one-time events. So Moved by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
ATV Ordinance – Wade noted he had sentthe draft to Attorney Mike Oellrich and consulted with him. Attorney Oellrich reformatted and made a couple of recommendations. The latest version was sent late this afternoon and is in the Board=s printed packets. The new draft specifies Town roads, added power to close a road to ATV/UTV traffic, enumerated rules rather than citing Statutes. Wade contacted Town of Whitewater re R/W Townline Road, has no response yet. Mr. Randy Locke introduced himself as a Whitewater resident, asked re signs – Wade explained requirements. Regarding speed limits, Overbeek noted Town can add that later. Overbeek Moved to eliminate R/W Townline Road if Town of Whitewater does not agree. Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Karbash Moved to table until we hear from Town of Whitewater, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Town Clerk Position – Clerk Ceas explained this is a question the Board must decide now because if they decide to change to an appointed position it must be a referendum on the November ballot, made at least 70 days prior to the election and reported asap to the County Clerk. Miller – want to keep it elected – Clerk serves people and as a resident knows the Town. Karbash – not opposed – note if not a resident the Board could appoint, would be subject to labor laws. Wade – agree with Miller – additional cost for appointed. Kraus – agree about elected – dedicated to town and people, no politics. Overbeek – agree with everyone. Motion by Kraus to keep the Town Clerk an elected position. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Clerk Request Salary for Deputy Clerk – Clerk Ceas stated per Statute she could appoint a Deputy, and would do so to help with the transition when she leaves; however she must ask the Board to pay that individual and the amount they would be willing to pay. Board could determine amount per hour, hours per week, maximum to end of year, etc. Board members have been given results of a survey of other Clerk/Deputy salaries in the County. After discussion, Miller Moved to pay $20.00/hour with no restriction on hours. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Generator Purchase Electrical Installation Proposals – Overbeek reported he had no responses yet. Motion by Karbash, Second by Kraus to table. Passed unanimously.
Budget Amendment – Clerk explained an amendment is needed re the road budget because of confusion over the carry-forward for the rip-rap project last year. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Wade to approve the increase amount of $42,575 to bring this year=s actual Road Maintenance portion to approximately $160,000 instead of $139,400 as amended in February. Passed unanimously.
Amendment re Clerk=s Salary line – Overbeek to add $10,000 for Deputy Clerk, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Complaints – Karbash received one at the hardware store (laughter) from a Turtle Lake resident re a house near McIntyres at Shorewood and Anderson Drive – no formal complaint. Miller will check into it. Carl Redenius asked about orange cones on Johnson Road by Badger Bob=s – hard for farm equipment trying to pass. Kraus explained Bob does it as a courtesy for his neighbor so people don=t park near his driveway. Wayne Redenius complained about the County not mowing on County A. Roadman McManaway remarked he will be attending a County meeting this week, will bring these up. Resident suggested contacting Rich Charts or the DNR re the gypsy moths.
Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek to pay the bills. Passed unanimously.
Motion to Adjourn by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk