
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, January 21, 2020 Minutes

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. Absent: Supervisor Carol Behrens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion to approve the Minutes by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, passed unanimously.

Board Reports

Karbash – one complaint – will talk about it later.  Lake Lorraine Road is closed, but an ambulance had to turn back because 911 dispatcher gave incorrect info.  Sheriff’s office has corrected the information now.

Overbeek – quiet month – have 2 new plow drivers, Wally had been away at a funeral but received no complaints.

Miller – nothing

Kraus – nothing.

Sheriff’s Liaison Jason Hintz reported no crimes in Richmond last month.

Roadman’s Report – Wally McManaway reported he is now working on training for new snowplow drivers – looking good – hope to keep them on.

Delavan/Darien School District – A cyber security informational session open to everyone will be held at 6:30 at the High School. Middle School play is January 31 and February 1. Weilman Day Care is almost full – not a school operation – they only use the building.

Public Comment – Darlene Neufeldt complained about a neighbor’s junk, ask for help from the Town Board.  Chair asked to have this on the February agenda as “Trash on Shorewood Terrace”.

Operator License – Cheryl Mitacek, sponsored by Snug Harbor. Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Town of Whitewater Supervisor Norm Prusener re Whitewater Lake Property Owners Request for “Slow – No Wake” Signs on Boat Landings. Supervisor Prusener reported on problems letting people know when “Slow-No Wake” is in place. The Property Owners Association pledged $900 toward the cost of 19 signs, one to be placed on each lake approach and boat landing. Cost is $74 per sign. The “flip signs” would be maintained by volunteers who would flip the sign up when required. 5 signs would be in Richmond. Town of Whitewater

would put up and maintain the signs.  Richmond’s cost would be approximately $200 or 20% – the Town’s usual portion of lake patrol costs. Motion to approve by Overbeek, second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Whitewater Fire/EMS Contract – Chair reported on his conversation with the Chief – they have a math equation, and are interested in covering the whole Town. The Chief agreed to a one-year contract with the second year contingent upon Board review and their coming to a Board meeting. Motion by Overbeek to approve the one-year contract, with the second year pending Board review and the Fire/EMS Department attending our meeting. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Minnieska Ski Team – The newly merged Southern Wakes United Ski Team asked for continuing use of Whitewater Lake and especially the area near Scenic Ridge for shows and practices, as usual.  They will be skiing at Whitewater Lake and Elkhorn. Motion by Overbeek to approve and thank them for their cooperation and that there have been no complaints lately.  Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

James Guthrie Request Removal and Reimbursement of Refuse/Recyclables Pickup Fee – Mr. Guthrie being absent, this item was not addressed by the Board.

Leonard Koch – Re Flooding – Mr. Koch told of his flooding problem due to high water from neighboring property and possibly Lake Lorraine. Board members noted the area-wide problem due to recent rains, that many people, especially on the south side of the lake, are

having similar problems; North Lake Lorraine Road has been closed because of the high water. Miller suggested Mr. Koch could contact Representative Amy Loudenbeck for help at the

State level.  Overbeek reported working with many DNR representatives to try to alleviate the problems; an example is that it would take 20 days of pumping to lower Lake Lorraine one (1) foot.  Unfortunately there is nothing else the Town can do at this point.

Commercial Electrical Building Permits and Inspections – Greg Noll introduced himself and Troy Evenson, Building Inspectors from Municipal Zoning and Inspection Services, the Town’s contracted building inspectors. Mr. Noll explained the recent change in the State requirements for Commercial Electrical Inspections would include electrical wiring in ag buildings such as barns, which are currently covered in our Municipal Code.  In future these could only be done by Commercial Inspectors, and we would need to amend our Ordinance to adopt the Commercial Electrical Building Code.  Board members expressed concerns that this would result in double fees for our residents – one to the Town and one to the State. After further discussion, Overbeek moved to stay with the status quo with the option to change in the future. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

2005 Ford Truck Bids – Chair Karbash opened and read the bids for the 2005 Ford Truck: Cobb Shipping Service $7,500; Center Construction $3,051; Mike Bergman $1,000; Matt

Henschler $5,600. Overbeek and Wally McManaway remarked they had hoped for a $10,000 bid.        Kraus stated he had expected one for $10,000. Overbeek noted we could go with Wisconsin Surplus, but they charge a buyer’s fee.  It was noted that the vehicle would require about $3,000 to bring it up to code.  After further discussion, Kraus moved to accept the $7,500 bid, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Roadwork – Miller stated she would like to see Lake Lorraine Road closed with better barricades, because she is concerned about drivers’ safety. Motion by Overbeek to buy new signs and cement barriers and close the road.  Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Road Bid Process – consensus to put this on the February agenda for further discussion, publish the bids in March for April bid opening.

Lake Lorraine Chemical Permit Check Pre-Approval – Clerk explained that Tony Novak had asked for this in order to permit a timely submission of the permit request to the DNR.  This item is paid out of the $2500 budgeted for the lake.  Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Standing Committee Appointments/Application Process – Clerk will publish notices regarding vacancies on Standing Committees with applications due at the March Board meeting. Karbash remarked it would be helpful to townspeople if we had a Facebook page. Miller volunteered to look into it.

WTA District Meeting Feb 15 in Whitewater (Board of Review Certification) – Clerk noted

this certification is required every two years, asked who planned to attend. Miller, Overbeek, Kraus for sure, Karbash if possible. Clerk will check with Behrens.

February Town Board Meeting Date (Election February 18) – Chair noted we need to move the meeting date because of the Primary Election. Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek to meet on Tuesday, February 25.  Passed unanimously.

Complaints – Kudos to the road crew for good work with the recent snowfall. Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Miller, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town CLerk