September 21, 2021 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Chair noted he would change the order of the items to allow Sheriff=s Liaison Jason Hintz to speak first since he had another obligation this evening.

Deputy Hintz reported on events in the past 2 months, noted that Town of Richmond is doing very well compared to some others, thanked people for calling in Acontrolled burns@ to save sending fire trucks out for nothing, and reminded citizens to call the Sheriff=s department for any unusual occurrance, or if they have questions.

Motion to approve the Minutes by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Treasurer=s Reports for July and August by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – everything is on the Agenda.
Overbeek – worked with Paul Yakowenko of Delavan Fire Department on letter to hand out re driveway clearances. Working on several complaints from roadside boring from last year concerning Everstream, updating permit before issuing for this year, will require a cash bond and inspection fees.
Miller – everything on agenda.
Kraus – all on agenda

Roadman McManaway – in addition to report already submitted, sealcoat should start Friday, paving the first week in October. About finished cleaning up storm damage.

Delavan/Darien School District – finishing athletic fields, next Friday game will be at UW-W. Also working on classrooms and playground equipment; new language classes, testing for Covid. Overbeek asked if bleachers had been replaced – answer – just repaired due to increased costs. Masks optional for students.

Whitewater School District – Opening new stadium & fields Friday for football and soccer. Holding parents into to university options. Masks optional for students. Ask that people be kind to school board members – they have a hard job.

Public Comment

Captain Christ Christon Whitewater Fire Department Board of Directors President, and Chief Ashley Vickers, Whitewater Rescue – will be setting up quarterly meetings with municipalities, want to open lines of communication. Overbeek reported on letter to homeowners re driveway clearances, offered to share with them.

– Jeanine (?) request to stop the process re Lake Lorraine, WW/RL Annual Meeting included budget funds in 2022 for possible litigation.

– Jeff – DNR requirement to work with WW/RL Mgt, there has been no action so far.

-Miller – would like to have County Supervisor Ryan Simons come to a Board meeting to meet us.

-Fran Cleven – when will we know what is going on?

Supervisor 3 Retirement – Chairman reported that Carol Behrens has resigned her position effective September 1 after 23 years on the job. Ms. Behrens was present and stated that for many reasons, this was the right time for her to resign. She received an ovation and thanks from everyone present. Clerk Ceas explained the options to the Board: 1 – leave the position open until April election; 2 – appoint someone from names brought forth by Board members; 3 – advertise for persons wishing to be considered for the position. Clerk noted that the appointment is the only time that she is able to vote with the Board -only on the appointment, not on the method to be used. Motion by Karbash, Second by Overbeek, to fill the position next month. Passed unanimously. Miller Moved that we come together as a Board and consider applicants vs advertising, and would hope someone would come forth who has some experience and familiarity with the area. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Operator License – Chair recused himself, turned over to Overbeek. Motion by Kraus to approve a bartender license for Thomas Karbash, sponsored by The Duck Inn pending receipt of his bartender school certificate, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Public Hearings: Karbash back as Chair.
A. Michelle Cleveland – Rezone from A-1 to A-4 and Conditional Use to add a greenhouse to sell annual and perennial plants and related items at W8312 County Road A.
Miller commented that there could be a problem at the County because the large barn is in the A-1 portion but the lean-to is in the A-4 area, and would cause zoning through a building. Speaking For – Rich Charts – like their offerings.
Speaking Against – None

Karbash – concern re public restrooms and parking area. Applicants are working with County re parking. Miller/Karbash – could be helped with signs indicating where to park. Kraus – parking on road is County issue. Miller – do not believe public restrooms are required, would like to see issues resolved with County. Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, to table to the October Board meeting to allow owners to make adjustments to comply with State and County, parking, and signage. Passed unanimously. Owner asked if the Board had a problem with the font used on signs? Board members had no knowledge with that.

B. Shaw Partners dba Scenic Ridge Campground – Conditional Use Amendment to add a storage garage at W7985 R&W Townline Road.
Julie Michaels presented the application to build a storage garage at the caretaker=s house.
Speaking For – two persons including Phil James – they have been good neighbors and good for the community.
Speaking Against – None
After discussion and inspection of map of proposed location, Kraus Moved to recommend approval of the request, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Town Insurance Proposals – Clerk reported she had sent invitations for proposals to three agencies: The Horton Group, our insurance carrier for many years; Evolve Insurance Solutions; and Rural Insurance; as directed by the Board, to be received on Monday, September 13. She received one packet from The Horton Group, and emails from the others stating they had not received information from their underwriters. Overbeek Moved to stay with The Horton Group=s proposal, noting they have been an excellent provider for the past several years, helped with lawsuits – it is not always about the money, and the others did not provide proposals on time. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Board members thanked Michelle Strauss of The Horton Group for coming to the meeting to answer questions. Ms. Strouss noted this year=s quote is down slightly from last year, and that it has been a pleasure working with Richmond.

Lake Lorraine Area Flood Abatement Process – Chair reported he had nothing new to add to this process, noted this item is closed for Board discussion. We have been asked to get a refund on the permit and abandon a permit to have Lake Lorraine excess water during flood times going into Whitewater Lake, there is nothing we can do without from Whitewater/Rice Lakes Management District. Overbeek – agree – when we first went to the County and DNR there was nothing said about going to WW/RL Management – further in the process, the DNR kept changing the requirements. Kraus – lived here the longest – have only seen this problem a couple of times, OK to let it go. Overbeek Moved to rescind the permit with the DNR, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously – Overbeek noted the permit options are not feasible for us to proceed. Will put roadwork on October agenda. Overbeek stated when we started, we were not looking to offend anyone at Whitewater Lake – didn=t know what we were doing – went to the County, they said go to the DNR, we did – we were doing our due diligence – no one told us to go to the WW/RL Mgmt District. So reading things on the internet of people calling us, this organization, hillbillies – really turns my stomach. Rich Charts discussed with us, but others did not talk to us – just called another lake a Atoilet@ – perhaps someone from Lake Geneva would call your lake a Atoilet@. Miller – very dismayed by the divisiveness – know what our intentions as a Board were – that we did everything that we could do. Karbash – the intentions here were to find a very feasible solution to helping people whose homes were being flooded and not spending tons of money to rebuild a road or a bridge – engineering costs alone would be way over what this cost was initially projected. Don=t think we have been frivolous with the money, but DNR kept changing requirements on us. We never even thought it reach anywhere near Whitewater Lake – started with the County and they said just go to the DNR. Rich Charts apologized for many of their folks who got carried away – have always worked well with the Town Board. Question from Mr. ? about Tony Novak as a representative of the Town of Richmond in this process with the DNR. Karbash – Town is now finished, Tony can communicate as the President of the Lake Lorraine association. Overbeek – Tony was asked by the Board to look into differences in the high water marks found by the DNR that change depending on where they look around the lake, in order to safe on engineering expenses. He was active until tonight, and will be advised that his representation for the Board ends tonight. Overbeek asked Clerk to read a email she sent to the Board. Clerk mentioned receiving emails and letters asking the Board to Astop spending my tax money on this@ – the total spend so far was $18,514. The Town=s portion of her own tax paid to the Town in 2021 the Town of Richmond was 0.05% of $4722.76 – Town portion was $404.91 x 0.05% = $20.25 – that is what the Town spent of my tax bill on this project – a small amount to keep the roads open. Those comments just Apushed my button@ – when this started – most of the people here were not present – the Board said Aif anywhere along the way we get a no – we stop.@

Unpaid Fire Calls – Clerk reported that the one call in question was paid – have 7 accident calls where the Delavan Fire Department responds to accidents. We are unable to put this charge on tax bills. Vehicle drivers could be out of our district. With one of them, Evolve Insurance aided with restructuring the fire report and we were paid. $6300 are outstanding. If accidents on County Hwy we can get up to $200, or $500 on a State Hwy, if we show we have been unsuccessful in collecting from insurance. We possible could recover $2400. Have received no response from any of them – do not have insurance info. Motion by Overbeek – contact Deputy Hintz to help with insurance information and send registered letter to the insurance companies. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Clerk Report from WI Municipal Clerks Conference – Clerk reported on the various sessions she attended: Election dates, new Election Inspector Terms beginning January 1 – Chairmen of Democratic and Republican parties can send list of nominees – if those people are willing to serve all elections in the two-year term and attend trainings they must be appointed. Others are unaffiliated – my election crew is apolitical. Very strong urge to change to .gov domain name and email address for all Town officials because in the future the federal government will only send info to .gov addresses – no charge for that. Now Redistricting because of Census. Will go to County tomorrow to draw Ward maps – should not cause big changes in Richmond. Public Records sometimes confused with FOIA request – FOIA is federal – Wisconsin is Public Records – she has a 61 page handout for Board members. They suggest Board members do not use personal phones for Town business. Public Records are Aexisting records@ not records the Clerk must compile. Levy Limits – are used during budget planning meeting. Handouts are available re procedures if Board wants to go above State allowed levy. Parliamentary procedure – handouts – we do not use formal procedure. Reinventing the Clerk=s office – pertains to an office with Astaff@ – mine is only Roadman McManaway. Miller noted that there is still opportunity for discussion after a motion is made, which we do not usually do.

Trees at Town Park – Miller reported she has been looking into this after the presentation by Enbridge when we thought they would give us money – don=t remember what we said – she talked to Arbor Vista and got some prices, want to have a formal decision. Honey Locust 3″ good tree, grows 2’/year, not messy, provide shade. Four trees at $250 each plus $250 installation $2050 plus tax, can install mid October. In addition to Board approval would like to continue liaisoning with Wally so can get them in mid October. Discussion – Kraus – talk to Ted Voller on County A? Miller – no. Comment from Wayne Redenius – it is too dry for good planting this year, suggest talking to Ted Voller as local vendor. Overbeek – agree it is too dry now. Have Miller or Kraus talk to Voller and get other prices for Spring. Consensus to table to Spring. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus and Kraus will contact Voller while Miller talks to others, passed unanimously. Clerk asked what month to put on agenda – response was February.

MOU with Walworth County for Salt/Sand purchases. Clerk read info from County for Allocation of 100 tons of saltat $71.13-$73.26/ton; Sand/Salt mix price is $23.30/ton, both plus administrative fee of 4.21% for 2021 and 4.53% for 2022. Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Budget Planning Date – consensus to hold the Special Board meeting to plan the 2022 budget on Wednesday, October 20, at 6:30pm.

Complaints – none

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk