September 20, 2022 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, September 20, 2002

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Overbeek Second by Miller to approve the Agenda passed unanimously.

Motion by Miller, Second by Kraus, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek to approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – most on the Agenda. Thanks to Dave Overbeek for help while Roadman McManaway was out sick and on vacation, also thanks to Town of Whitewater=s Roadman.
Overbeek – lot of trees down, car accident at Church Road & Hwy 89 cleanup. Attended Town of Whitewater meeting re the gravel pit reopening – not much we can do about it.
Miller – contacted Roadman to remove Auction sign at Town property and put up a new AFor Sale@ sign. Call Board=s attention to email (yellow copy) re how to keep communications between Board member legal when they are about Asomeone=s@ retirement – not for Town business. Also open to volunteers from the community.
Wade – most on agenda, attended Whitewater Town Board Meeting
Kraus – nothing to report

Chair asked Wade and Overbeek to give more information on the gravel pit for concerned citizens here tonight. Wade reported Randy Johnson was present at the Whitewater meeting – wants to reopen the 13acre M-1 zoned portion, has a 10 year lease on the property. Estimate 30-40 trucks using R/W Townline Road, no wells on the property, will use crusher at times, no blasting. This is not a road Town of Richmond maintains. Overbeek noted there is a lot of misinformation out there. Whitewater Board is thinking about a binding referendum, but may change that. New County standards include hours of operation and restoration stipulations. They have DNR permits. There is no date for a meeting at the County.

Sheriff=s Liaison – Deputy Hintz reported only minor thefts reported between July and now.

Roadman McManaway – Thanks to our part-time crew, Dave Overbeek and Town of Whitewater for covering for him while sick and on vacation. Need to talk to Steve Wade to finalize ATV signage, hear Johnstown may write ordinance after the first of the year. Will also talk to Badger Bob about no parking signs.

Whitewater School District – Caroline Pate-Hefty – this year is 2nd highest enrollment in school=s history. Planning for Homecoming. Have 6 foreign exchange students this year.

Public Comment – Jeff Hufford asked when ATV signs will be installed – McManaway/Wade estimated 2-4 weeks.

Bartender Licenses – after examination of applications, Overbeek moved to approve licenses for Mallory L. Scharine, Nikita Hartzheim and Ashley Bindl. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

City of Whitewater Fire Department Finance Director Steve Hatton reported on changes when integrating the Department into the City of Whitewater, and why they need to go to paid employees rather than paid on-call volunteers. He noted that previous fund balances will be retained for future expenses such as fire trucks, and Towns will be asked to designate a representative to serve on a committee to oversee those funds. With department employees at the fire station, response times will drop. He explained training required of firefighters, EMTs, EMS, and Paramedics. Currently staffing applicants are low. Proposed Stand-by charges for Towns will increase – Richmond=s from $41,921 in 2022 to $52,401 in 2023 and $122,305 in 2024. He suggested the Town may want to have a referendum in 2023. Karbash – appreciate your information, should ISO ratings be considered to help with local insurance rates? Kraus asked who pays for University calls – response was the City & State. Jason Hintz asked what if a town drops off – response – their portion of costs get redistributed among the other users.

Introduction of Proposal to Vacate the Unpaved portion of the Juniper Road Alley in Skansen=s Subdivision between Lake Lorraine Road and Cherry Road. Clerk explained that through Supervisor Kraus she had received a request from a property owner who wanted the Town to vacate the Aalley@ and add a portion of the vacated land to his property. She outlined the steps required for the Town to do this. Board members asked for an estimated cost, and who would pay the cost. Clerk gave a ballpark figure of $200-300, said the Town would pay the cost of informing neighboring property owners, publishing notice, etc. After further discussion, Overbeek Moved to have Kraus talk to the person who inquired, and ask if he or all seven other property owners would foot the bills, before the Town proceeds. Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Town Hall Use Policy – Karbash reported receiving a complaint about a recent use, of noise in the parking lot. He asked if we should add that people can not congregate outside. Clerk noted the policy already addresses that. Miller asked if we have been getting a lot of complaints. Answer – no, and this same user has never been a problem before. Consensus to have Clerk talk to each user when scheduling, and remind this person that there can be no Ajump house@ outside, all attendees must remain in the Hall, and if another complaint they will not be able to use the Hall in the future.

Fireworks permit. Karbash – had a problem with a person at Turtle Lake. Overbeek noted that Scenic Ridge does not want him to get another permit. Also must specify the type of fireworks and that the user must be a Town of Richmond property owner or resident. Consensus to change the permit.

Plan Commission Appointments – Miller reported she had seven applicants, wanted representatives from the lakes, agriculture, and subdivisions. She met with all the applicants and discussed them with Chairman Karbash. Very good applicants – final recommendations to the Chairman was a difficult decision. Final Recommendations: Cheryl Mitacek of Turtle Lake representing the lakes; Michael Bergman representing agriculture; and Tim Probst of Skansen=s representing subdivisions. Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Miller will contact the new members regarding a meeting when they will be asked to take their Oath of Office.

October Meeting Dates – Karbash asked to change the regular meeting from Tuesday October 18 to Thursday October 20. Consensus to approve After discussion, by consensus the Town Board Abudget planning@ meeting will be on Thursday, October 13 at 6:00pm.

Clerk=s Report from WI Municipal Clerk=s Conference – Clerk Ceas reported on the various sessions including some new information from the recent conference.

Generator Bids for Electrical Installation – Overbeek reported he has no price yet, only one contractor came and will give a bid. OK if another Board member wants to solicit bids – Kraus will talk to his neighbor and have him talk to Wally to look at the project. Overbeek estimates cost could be $4500 for labor & materials. Consensus – on next month=s agenda.

Complaints – Mike Bergman complained about people dumping trash such as furniture on roadsides.

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Miller, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk