October 20, 2022 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Dave Overbeek, Tom Kraus. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.

Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Wade, to approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – the County ICC will meet Tuesday, October 25 at 6:00pm – any Board member able to attend? Wade said yes, tentative upon checking his calendar later, other Board members have other commitments that evening. Karbash – the WI Historical Society considering the Heart Prairie Churck for National Register of Historic Places – meeting November 18 in Madison for any interested parties. Everything else is on tonight=s agenda.
Overbeek – re the storm last week, Delavan Fire Department had tornado spotters in the Town – some damage in the Turtle Lake area near the Turtle Lake Tap & Grill. City of Delavan supplied mutual aid, suggest thank you note to Nate Griffin. A controlled burn of a house on Kilkenny Road next weekend – all permits have been obtained. Attended a seminar about buying trucks in future – should not impact Town until after 2027 – forecast use of gas & propane fules for emergency vehicles.
Miller – attended virtual Lawyer=s conference – good sessions on nuisances and ethics.
Wade – met with Wally McManaway re signage for ATVs, agreed on draft wording, may be a delay in delivery of the signs.
Kraus – everything on agenda.

Sheriff=s Liaison Jason Hintz not present, Overbeek reported some thefts on R&D Townline. Wade reported a suspicious person on Territorial & Hwy 89 as well.

Whitewater School District – Caroline Pate-Hefty reported the new high school principal has started a Astock market investors club@ that will compete with others in the State; several National Honors Society members; 400 attended Homecoming; WW has a State qualifier in tennis.

Public Comment – Wayne Redenius – also a suspicious person on Turtle Lake Road – called the Sheriff; also someone tried to break in to Badger Bob=s. Noted the WW Fire is able to provide call info to other towns, why not ours?

Delavan/Darien School District Superintendent Jill Sorbie gave information about the Referendum that will be on the November 8 ballot. She noted D/D is one of 92 districts in the State with referendums. In 2018 an operational 4-year referendum was passed, in 2022 another 4 year non-recurring referendum is proposed. Ms. Sorbie answered many questions regarding operations, budget, insurance options for employees, etc. Overbeek noted they need a better environment for their maintenance staff; Wayne Redenius suggested lobbying State Legislators for more money for schools.

Bartender License – Dawn M. Wegner, sponsored by Badger Bob=s – Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Trees at Richmond Park – Overbeek reported that he discovered the possibility for saving costs at Lurvey=s – if they have slightly damaged trees on hand, they will be sold at reduced prices, and his crew would be willing to plant them on their own weekend time. Miller recalled approving $2,000 for trees at the Park; Moved to authorize up to $2,000 for 4 trees when Overbeek is notified of special deals. Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Radar Run at Turtle Lake January 28, 2023 – Joe Brown, Delavan & Elkhorn Snowmobile Clubs – Mr. Brown thanked the Board for allowing the run last year – it was a good run with no complaints with parking; plan to use the same field for parking this year, Boss will plow if needed. Will also have a tent on Jeff Hufford=s property for bad weather. Miller – impressed with how well last year went, asked about parking permission from County. Mr. Brown said Matt Weidensee said it was OK on private property if Town is OK with it. Board members had questions about the zoning issue since Badger Bob was denied permission to use his brother=s ag field for parking. Miller would like to see something in writing from County zoning for clarification, so all Richmond property owners are dealt with equally. Board asked Mr. Brown to get a letter from Matt Weidensee and the Sheriff re parking. Motion by Overbeek to support the Radar Run, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Fire/EMS Contracts – Overbeek reported he had spoken unofficially to Delavan Fire Department after the last meeting – they could be interested in taking over the entire Town. They are full-time fire and paramedics. They use Medix for ambulance support, and also have their own ambulances for backup. He noted Whitewater could not give us data, estimated 6-7 minutes for dispatch, Delavan is only 1 minute, partially because of how 911 calls are handled. Overbeek Moved to pursue negotiations with City of Delavan for the entire Town. Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

N6468 Anderson Road Complaint – Karbash noted we had sent Mr. Mugnani a letter with a September 30 response deadline, and there has been no progress. Miller suggested contacting our attorney for next step in process to find the most cost effective way to correct the nuisance. Karbash asked for direction from the Board before he spoke with the Attorney. Motion by Miller to contact the Town Attorney re the next steps in the process, Second by Karus, passed unanimously.

County Request for Input on ATV Ordinance – Karbash noted info that County is considering allowing ATVs on County Roads, asked us for comments. Motion by Overbeek to tell them we approve of the proposed ordinance, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Generator – Bids for Electrical Installation – Overbeek reported two bids, noted Electrical Service Specialists was the lower bid, and they are willing to lower approximately another $2,000 if use a different power cord. Motion by Karbash, Second by Overbeek, to accept Electrical Service Specialists= bid, passed unanimously.

Additional billing to LLRPA for Roadman Wages for Weed Spraying – Karbash noted the question came up during budget planning – Clerk explained process to request reimbursement from LLRPA for weed abatement, noted that the Roadman=s wages had not been included, and from timecards it is impossible to determine the exact amount for that task. Overbeek estimated 10 hours time for entire process. Motion by Karbash, Second by Overbeek, to request an additional $280 (10 hours @ $28/hr) from LLRPA for Roadman=s wages during spraying in 2022. Passed unanimously.

Complaints – John Cochran reported damage caused by pickup in Richmond Park; he reported to Roadman McManaway, Sheriff was called, and perp had dropped an envelope with his address so Sheriff was able to confront that person. Don=t know if a ticket was issued. Also several trees at park need to be trimmed. Overbeek will check with Deputy Hintz for outcome of damages from pickup truck.

Payment of Bills – so Moved by Overbeek, Second by Miller, Passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn into Closed Session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee performance evaluation by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Chair asked Deputy Brian Hayes to remain for the Closed Session.

Motions in Closed Session:
1. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to hire a Deputy Treasurer, passed unanimously.
2. Motion by Karbash, Second by Wade, that a list detailing Deputy Treasurer=s duties be compiled by the Board and the Clerk, passed unanimously.

Consensus to have Karbash, Clerk Ceas, Deputy Clerk Hayes work on detail list and bring to entire Board at another Closed Session, date to be determined.

Motion to adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk