October 19, 2021 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to approve the agenda. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – everything is on the agenda.
Overbeek – Quiet month. Concern about repairing rip-rap on R&W Townline Road at Whitewater Lake – called DNR several times, left message got Aon holiday@ response. Called Crystal – 3 weeks later she replied that Teresa was no longer working there, and she had no idea who replaced her. Finally reached Craig Webster who will work with us – sent him pictures of the area, he said we need to speak with the engineer. Told him we didn=t use an engineer, could he talk to our Roadman, but he said no, he needed to speak with an elected official – very frustrating because our Chairman didn=t do engineering, Overbeek did at the time. Everstream is boring on Johnson Road, looks good, they sent us a $5,000 bond, will hold half back and repay half for one year after work is done, and charge for Overbeek and Clerk Ceas= time on the project. They did get a survey and replace pins near Badger Bob=s.
Miller – attended WTA virtual conference, had phone conversations and met with LURM reps Matt Weidensee and Lindsay Smith re parking complaints at Badger Bob=s, also looked at his Conditional Use – County sending him a letter – pictures showed difficulty of emergency vehicles getting through on Johnson Road.
Kraus – nothing

Whitewater School District – District Administrator Caroline Pate-Hefty shared the good news about happenings in the District. Overbeek thanked her for the information, and for the balanced budget this year.

Public Comment – none

County Board Supervisor Ryan Simons introduced himself as the representative for Richmond and other parts of the County. He reported on Covid circumstances in the County, that testing and vaccinations are free – check County website for locations. Walworth is the only county with zero debt, possible budget increase for 2022 is 0.52%. Challenge with the ARPA funds is not to spend Ajust to spend@; broadband is a key project, also community support officers who would ride with police officers to help citizens who need emotional or other support, a very successful program. Simons is on the Zoning Agency board – there is an excellent staff who give the County Board good information. The Zoning Agency meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, must still follow State laws. Miller brought up the ARPA uses, encouraged the County re broadband for our mostly rural area.

Supervisor 3 Appointment – Chair recalled Supervisor Behrens= resignation and the Board=s decision to appoint someone to fill the position for the remainder of the term that expires in April 2022. The Board had decided to bring nominations to this meeting. Chair asked if any Board members wished to make a nomination. Kraus asked to nominate a person from a family that has been in the township for over 100 years, who has been a commity member, and will be an asset to the Board, Steven Wade. Overbeek noted that is who he was planning to nominate, and Tom used most of the speech he had planned. Overbeek stated he had looked at the letters the Board received from interested people, there are a lot of qualified people in the Town. He feels Steve has been on the Land Use Committee, the Plan Commission, is familiar with the Land Use Plan for the Town, the other applicants have an opportunity with the Spring Election. He Seconded the Nomination. Chair called for a vote – the Motion/Nomination was approved 5-0, with the Clerk voting. Clerk Ceas and Chair noted this is the only time the Statutes allow the Clerk to vote with the Town Board. Overbeek asked how many times the Clerk had voted before and she responded Aonce@. Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Steven Wade and he took the vacant seat at the table. Board thanked the three others who had applied, noted there would be committee appointments available, plus the election in April for Supervisors 3 and 4.

Certified Survey Maps: Shadel Ridge Farms, Inc. Certified Survey maps due to farm separations on CR 1600010 (N6112 Hwy 89) and CR2000004 (N5990 Delaney Rd), also approval of driveway access on CR2000004. – Chair brought up the CSMs due to farm separations, plus driveway access approval. He looked at both, saw no problems, including driveways. Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to recommend approval of both CSMs, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Motion by Kraus to approve existing driveways, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Roadwork – Chair noted there is money left in the budget, discussion of using it for rip-rap. Overbeek to wait until we hear from DNR and hope to repair rip-rap, before deciding to plan on other projects. He feels better with DNR communications lately. Consensus to wait.

Complaints – Chair – like to add Acompliments@. Kraus commented that he felt Badger Bob had been unfairly complained about roadside parking at his recent events, that most had been for charity.

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk