November 17, 2020 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Dave Overbeek, Susan Miller, Carol Behrens. Absent: Supervisor Tom Kraus – quarantine due to Covid-19 exposure. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Behrens, Second by Miller to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.

Motion by Behrens, Second by Miller, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Behrens, to approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.

Chair stated that because they may be called away for an emergency, the Board would hear a presentation from the City of Delavan Fire Department representatives first. Chief Tim O=Neill and Assistant Chief Bob Chapman ennumerated the ways they would service the Town=s residents living south of County Road A, and distributed pictures of their equipment with explanations of capacity, and when and how each would be used. They respond to calls for fire, water, and auto calls, and work with neighboring departments for mutual aid. The Department holds a Class 3 ISO rating, and Chief O=Neill will work with Karbash to contact ISO representatives to determine the exact rating for Town of Richmond, which should also help residents to lower their insurance premiums. Delavan Fire works in conjunction with Medix Ambulance, which is the Town=s current provider for rescue services in that area. Overbeek read an agreed revision to the proposed contract including a provision about Medix that was suggested by our Town Attorney. Overbeek remarked that he had received a call from one of our part-time residents, that Delavan can be compared favorably to the City of Chicago=s fire department in their response and management of fire calls. Chief O=Neill noted that they would be recruiting volunteers in Town of Richmond, noted that two members already reside in the Town.

Chair reminded the Board that they needed to consider the renewal contract submitted by the Village and Town of Darien=s fire department. Motion by Overbeek to not renew the Darien contract. Second by Behrens. Passed with Karbash abstaining.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Behrens, to accept the proposed contract from City of Delavan, passed unanimously. Miller thanked Overbeek, Karbash, and the Safety Committee members for their work on these contract negotiations.

Chair invited Delavan/Darien School representative to report at this time so they could leave early. HS Principal Jim Karedes thanked residents for passing the recent referendum, invited all to see the new athletic fields next year, and told of the many accomplishments in the district since last month.

Board Reports
Karbash – most on the agenda – received notice of Hwy 89 resurfacing from County A north to Willis Ray Road. Hwy 89 will be open to one lane during the resurfacing.
Overbeek – worked on fire contracts. Received engineer=s report re Lake Lorraine flooding – they are working on the latest and hopefully the last DNR permit – ask Clerk to send a copy of the Buol agreement to the engineer for the application. Will look at the permit before it is finally submitted to the DNR. Construction does not depend on the weather – in fact, a frozen lake surface would be good. Karbash remarked he had received another call about draining the lake – tried to correct that impression – we are not draining the lake, just trying to control the high water level.
Miller – positive news – re the ag building on Hwy 89 south of Townline Road, the Building Inspector has been on it, and obtained an electrical permit from the owner. Re the Mizzu property at the SW corner of Hwy 89 and R/W Townline, County Zoning and Health departments and Sheriff=s deputies obtained a warrant and went into the building, finding many in residence and deplorable living conditions. The owner said he would evict the residents and sell the building. Wally McManaway remarked there are logs across the driveway now, so presumably the residents have been removed.
Behrens – received a call about a tree down on Wisconsin Parkway, husband Lloyd Behrens cut it down.
Overbeek – thanks to Paul Yakowenko and others in the Safety Committee for their research on the fire contract.

Roadman – in addition to his written report, Wally McManaway reported damage from windstorms, now working on putting up snowfences, plows on trucks, hope to get the bucket truck and trim trees before weather changes. Clerk Ceas thanked him for his help during this past election Aseason@ – said she couldn=t have managed without his help, especially since it took time from his regular road duties. Overbeek noted that Lake Lorraine Road is now open. McManaway remarked he had some reflectors to help at Wisconsin Parkway and County A intersection that he felt could be put on the stop signs.

Public Comment – none

Operator Licenses: Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to approve licenses for Kirsten K. Mikulski, Nicole R. Fladhammer, and Lisa K. Garvey, and for Kelsey K. Murphy and Irene L. Lundberg contingent upon receipt of proof of completion of the Operator Course. Passed unanimously.

Elections – Clerk reported there will be an election on April 6, 2021 for Town offices of Chairman, Supervisor 1, Supervisor 2, Clerk and Treasurer. Candidates may obtain papers from her, but may not solicit signatures on Nomination papers until after December 1. If Incumbents do not plan to run again, Noncandidacy form must be submitted by December 25.

Approval of 2021 Proposed Budget – Motion by approve by Miller, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Motion to Approve Payment of Bills by Overbeek, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk