May 17, 2022 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. Absent: Supervisor Steve Wade. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Minutes by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Treasurer=s Report by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – All on Agenda, will move Complaints to earlier in the meeting.
Overbeek – Quiet month
Miller – all on Agenda
Kraus – all on Agenda

Chair noted no other reports, Deputy Hintz absent, Roadman McManaway on vacation, no School Districts present.

Complaints – Chair reported he had received an unsigned letter regarding Bob Wierenga running a kennel on Johnson Road, invited Mr. Wierenga to respond to the complaint. Mr. Wierenga said a year or so ago he had received a call from the County that he was not zoned properly. When he spoke with them and explained his situation, they found no issue with what he is doing. He explained he had spent many years overseeing and training the County=s canine unit, and after retiring, continues to do so. He also trains dogs for other entities, but does not train them on his property – goes to their locations. The complaint mentioned ADouble Dutch Acres@ sign on his property, that refers to his and his wife=s Dutch heritage, and their two daughters made it Adouble Dutch@. He does not board dogs, although occasionally will watch a friend=s dogs for a weekend. He owns 3 dogs of his own, which the County approved. Re the barking complaint, his dogs are inside at night. He would like to have the complainant come and talk to him about their concerns so they could work things out. He has received no complaints from his neighbors. Chair thanked Mr. Wierenga for his explanation.

Public Comment – None

Operator Licenses Trisha M. Vail and Bobbie J. Neal, sponsored by Badger Bob=s; Daniel R. Lamp, sponsored by Snug Lake Harbor – After examination of the applications, Kraus Moved to approve, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Land Management
a. Public Hearing – James & Deanna Finley Request Rezone and Certified Survey Map Approval for property located at N6710 County Road P. – Kristin Belongia of R. H. Batterman presented the application to rezone the A-2 portion of the property to C-2 in order to facilitate dividing the wooded portion where the house is located from the ag land, and sell the improved parcel to their daughter while retaining the ag land for agricultural use. They also ask for approval of the proposed Certified Survey Map. Miller reported she had discussed this with Matt Weidensee at Walworth County, and had no concerns – the request is consistent with the Town=s Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the property is located in a significant mixed use area, and there is no significant loss of tillable land in the township. There was some discussion about the driveway location for both residence and ag egress. Chair asked if any members of the public wished to speak For or Against the application – there were none. Motion by Kraus to approve the Rezone and Certified Survey Map for the reasons stated by Miller, and the map will show an easement for a driveway for both parcels. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
b. Certified Survey Map – Pinnow Family Trust – Part of C R 2700001, property located on Island Road. Steve Pinnow presented his request – the family wishes to split the C-2 portion of the land from the balance of A-1, and divide the C-2 into 3 lots. The request to divide into 3 lots will need to go to the County, presuming the Town approves the CSM. Motion by Miller to approve the CSM as presented. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Proposed driveway was approved by consensus.

Rock Aqua Jay Water Ski Show Team Request for event on Turtle Lake – Kevin Ostermeier presented the request. The Club would like to attempt to break/set a world record doubles event, and Turtle Lake is deemed to be ideal for that purpose, giving enough space for the necessary ski boats, platform, buoy marked show course, and other boats involved in the attempt. Proposed date is September 24, after the regular summer ski season. The starting point would be a platform off of the Turtle Lake Tap & Grill area. Board members questioned parking, Miller stated she would need more time to consider it. Starting time would be Sunrise for set-up, ski start at 10:00am, wrap-up about 4:00 to 5:00pm. Overbeek would like to give the Turtle Lake Association time to respond. Question – what about practice time? Answer – none necessary, all skiers are excellent. Q – why Turtle Lake? A – need room to turn boat. Q- what is EMS & Rescue impact to Town? How many people involved? A – 100, plus spectators. Motion by Kraus to table for more information and vote from the Turtle Lake Association. Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Generator Bids – One bid was opened from Adams Electric, proposing equipment in excess of required specifications. Overbeek – need to re-write our specs. Karbash – Adams is over-sizing the Town requirements. Consensus to have the Equipment Committee meet and propose new specifications. Overbeek will call the meeting.

Procurement Procedure Revision – Karbash noted that an Ethics Declaration is required for ARPA funding, read the paragraph to be included in the Procurement Procedure, said he is very comfortable with the wording. Motion by Miller to execute the revision, second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

July Town Board Meeting Date – Chair asked for change, consensus to hold meeting July 12.

Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) – Roadman on vacation, nothing to report.

Roadwork – consensus to proceed with Roadman=s suggested list.

Consideration of an Ordinance Designating All-Terrain Vehicle Routes – Motion by Karbash, Second by Overbeek to table, passed unanimously.

Airplanes on Turtle Lake – Ordinance 16.10.270 – Chair read revisions drafted by Attorney Dave Moore. Consensus, revisions are fine, increase fines to $1,000 for first offense and $5,000 for second offense.

Appointment of Weed Commissioner – Motion by Karbash to appoint Miller, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Minimum Accepted Price for Skansen=s property at May 28 Auction – Karbash noted we need a minimum bid for the auctioneer. Motion by Overbeek for $18,000 minimum, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Payment of Bills – Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk