March 19, 2024 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisor’s Meeting
March 19, 2024, 7:00pm
Board members present: Jeff Karbash, Steven Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. Absent: Susan Miller, Treasurer Ann Seaver.
Chairman Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Overbeek to approve the agenda, seconded by Kraus, approved unanimously.
Motion by Kraus to approve the February 27, 2024 minutes, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.
Motion by Overbeek to approve the February Treasurer’s report, seconded by Kraus, approved unanimously.
Board Reports
Chairman Karbash advises that his items are on the agenda however, he reports that Roadman Wally McManaway’s father passed away last evening and that his mother passed six weeks ago.
Overbeek – On Agenda
Wade – On Agenda
Kraus – On Agenda
Sheriff’s Report
Deputy Hintz advises no updates from last report.
Building Inspector
Clerk Hayes reports to the Board that the Contract with the new Building Inspector has been received and signed. The new building Inspector is Terrence Welsh, Welsh Municipal Services. The Contract has an effective date of April 1, 2024. Inspector Welsh has submitted an Insurance Bond for $1 million dollars. He will forward monthly a report on all permit activity along with 20% of all fees collected to the Town, he will retain 80% of the fees. As part of the agreement, we have language that invites him to recommend fee adjustments in the event he feels they need adjusting and of course the Board would need to approve those fee changes.
Overbeek advises that anyone who has already initiated a project will continue with Municipal Zoning and Inspection Services and Mr. Welsh will assume any new projects as of April 1st, 2024.
Badger Bob’s variance request
Clerk Hayes advises the Board that Badger Bob’s counsel has requested that this topic be tabled until a later date. Kraus motion to table this item, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.
Conditional Use Permit – Mike Krismer
Mr. Krismer is planning to erect a 24 foot by 60 foot building on his 43.5 acres off of Johnson Road. The Board reviews the map and the location of the proposed building. Karbash asks if anyone wants to speak for this conditional use permit, Karbash then asks if someone wants to speak against it. The issue of having a culvert comes up, Overbeek advises that he’ll have Wally the Roadman review it.
With no concerns being mentioned, Overbeek motions to approve the conditional use with the review of a culvert, if necessary. Kraus seconds the motion and the conditional use permit is approved unanimously.
ARIP Grant
Overbeek advises that Batterman engineering is offering to Assist the Town with preparing and submitting the application. This requires the connecting of two class A County Roads in the project. An example given is Johnson Road to Harris Road. The grant application requires the involvement of farmers and or businesses such as Gifford Tree Service, Pinnow Farms, Bellman farms, and the business(s) would be required to provide copies of their taxes and financial information showing how the road improvement project would benefit these businesses. A traffic study would be required. Batterman’s fee would be $1900.
Town resident Eldon Stanton asks if we really need a class A road. Overbeek opinions no and Stanton opinions it sounds like a waste of money.
Karbash questions if it is worth risking $1900 for the application with no guarantee that your project is accepted.
Following discussion, Karbash motions the item be tabled.
Zoning Workshop
April 30, 2024 at 5:30pm. Following discussion, Board Supervisor David Overbeek and Planning Commission member Earl Humphrey express interest in attending.
Annual Clerk Institute
Clerk Hayes recommends that the Board send Deputy Clerk Hafferkamp to this Institute, the cost for this is $649. Kraus motion to approve, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.
Southern Lakes United Water Ski Team
Shaunda Peters requests approval of the Board to allow a show on Saturday May 25, 2024 at Turtle Lake and also a show at Scenic Ridge Campground on Whitewater Lake July 27, 2024 and August 17, 2024.
Town resident Kim Alba expresses she doesn’t think having a ski show at Turtle Lake on one of the busiest weekends of the summer season is a good idea.
Overbeek motion to approve the shows at Whitewater Lake and a conditional approval for the show at Turtle Lake pending the Turtle Lake Association’s approval, seconded by Wade, approved by unanimous vote with Kraus, Wade and Overbeek voting for and Karbash abstaining.
Road Easements
Karbash introduces the topic advising that there have been some questions about utility company’s rights regarding easements on road rights-of-way with the recent Charter Spectrum cable installations project. Karbash asks Clerk Hayes to read from his findings.
Following the readings of the laws, town resident Don Sparks erupts with threats telling the Board that the cable companies do not have any right to come on to his property and that he’ll get a lawyer and that he wants 30 years of back property taxes on his land before he has to let any utility company come on to his property. Mr. Sparks uses profanity in a loud and boisterous manner and approaches the front of the room slamming a ULINE magazine down on the desk in front of Supervisor Overbeek. He threatens the Board with initiating a recall. Sheriff’s Deputy Hintz asks Sparks to sit back down in his seat, and Sparks turns and points his finger at Deputy Hintz telling Hintz that he hasn’t done his job either. Finally Sparks sits down and decorum is resumed.
GFL Environmental
No representative from GFL Environmental appears
Public Comment
A Town resident complains about ATV’s running up and down Johnson road stating they almost got hit.
Also, following the last Board meeting, one of the Board members put a comment on a facebook page regarding the meeting and the individual felt this was inappropriate saying this was a conflict of interest.
Cindy Hafferkamp Deputy Clerk introduces herself stating she has been a nurse for 15 years, she likes helping people and wanted to stay closer to home so she applied for the Deputy Clerk position.
Earl Humphrey advises the Board that the Turtle Lake Road sign at the Highway P intersection is currently blocked by a trees branches. Overbeek advises he will have Roadman Wally trim the branches around it.
Payment of Bills
Overbeek motion to pay the bills, seconded by Kraus, approved unanimously.
Motion to adjourn by Overbeek, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Brian Hayes