March 16, 2021 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Carol Behrens, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Miller, Second by Behrens, to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.

Motion by Miller, Second by Kraus, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Behrens, to approve the Treasurer=s Reports for January and February, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – All on Agenda. Had conversation with Whitewater/Rice Lakes Management District re coordinating meeting.
Overbeek – nothing
Miller – nothing
Behrens – nothing
Kraus – nothing.

Sheriff=s Liaison Deputy Jason Hintz – nothing major to report. Overbeek remarked on very good response times from Delavan Fire Department, who helped Medix with recent accidents.

Delavan/Darien School District – HS team is wrestling conference champs, went on to State; student took first place in piano, have two National Merit Scholars – a real achievement. Kindergarden registration now taking place.

Public Comment – Clerk Ceas reported on dates and times for In-Person Absentee Voting for the upcoming April 6 Spring Election.

Bartender License – Lynn G. Laue, sponsored by Staller Estate Winery – After examination of the application, Kraus Moved to approve the license, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Public Hearing: Conditional Use – Staller Estate Winery request Conditional Use for a Bar/Tavern for use as a Winery Tasting Room and Amendment to the defined premises on current Winery Class B License at CR 1700021 Located at W8903 County Road A. (Tabled from January) – Chairman Karbash recused himself due to conflict of interest, turned the meeting over to Supervisor Overbeek and took a seat in the audience. Joe Staller presented the request, explained what they wanted to do with the former yarn shop/town hall/school building. They would have different products at each location – the winery or the bar/tavern. He explained the site plan, addressed parking issues. Hours of operation would be 9:00am to 9:00pm daily. Would like an option for parking on the west side of the building for future use; estimate 49 persons maximun occupancy, estimate 30-40 average; want everyone to be happy with the property. He submitted 98 signatures on letter of support. Clerk noted one letter of support had been received by her. Overbeek opened the Public Hearing, asked for persons speaking In Favor of the application – Mike Bergman and Chris Kowalkiewicz spoke in favor. Overbeek asked for persons speaking Against – Jeff Karbash, owner of the Duck Inn property submitted 3 page objection, noting probable use of his parking lot for the wine bar overflow that would limit parking at his restaurant even with signage that Mr. Staller proposes. Robert Ardelt also spoke Against the application. Overbeek asked Mr. Staller if he wished to respond – Mr. Staller explained his reasons – most of his patrons would be during the day, not mealtimes at Duck Inn; County occupancy Code refers to square ft in building, not parking; he has a permit to access parking from County A if necessary. Board members expressed concerns that the County stressed 2.5 persons/1 parking stall is the rule of thumb; concern for people walking across County A to go between the winery and the bar; number of employees at the bar; parking was also an issue at the previous business; concern about water runoff if parking on west side of building would affect the neighboring building; could be problem with snow removal from parking area; Conditional Use stays with property – what could happen if new ownership? Staller – new owner would need to abide by stipulations in conditional use; would pay to have snow removed if necessary, and put up signs prohibiting crossing County A on foot; would put up retaining wall if necessary to use west side, to prevent water runoff to Duck Inn. Supervisors stated additional concerns: employees would use 1 or 2 parking stalls; parking is the big issue. Motion by Miller to oppose the Conditional Use on the grounds that parking is inadequate for the plan of operation, and concerns that the proposed driveway on the west side would cause runoff. Second by Overbeek. Passed 4-0 with Karbash abstaining. Board members stated they would be willing to look at it again if the parking issue can be resolved.

Overbeek turned the meeting back over to Karbash.

4wds and UTVs on Town Roads – Overbeek remarked that many other towns have been allowing this. Karbash asked if they need a drivers license. Overbeek – wanted to feel out the Board on this issue – Towns of Sharon and Walworth have passed ordinances. Karbash – would want more information, especially on licensing, insurance, lights, etc. Deputy Hintz reported having few complaints – this doesn=t include golf carts – town can designate certain roads to be used. Karbash – could be Aopening a can of worms@. Overbeek – people are doing it and he has had complaints. Motion by Karbash to table, Second by Behrens, passed 4-1, Overbeek voting against.

Road Tour Dates – consensus to meet April 10 at 10:00am. Road Bids – Clerk was instructed to place bids the same as last year except changing return dates to April 20 Board meeting. Crack Filling ad can be placed for immediate response.

2020-2021 LRIP Project – Clerk noted a problem receiving funds because costs went over the $60,000 threshold and require an engineer certification. AECOM is unable to certify. Motion by Overbeek to contact Cardinal Engineering, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Complaints – none

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Behrens to Adjourn into Closed Session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee compensation, passed unanimously. Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, that employee McManaway=s pay increase is not retroactive to January 1, 2021 passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk