March 15, 2022 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Minutes by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Treasurer=s Report by Overbeek, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – all on the agenda
Overbeek – met regarding generator (on agenda); Delavan Fire Department reported the clubs gave them $500, thanking them for their help at the recent Radar Run on Turtle Lake. (May remember more later)
Miller – all on the agenda
Wade – all on the agenda
Kraus – all on the agenda

Sheriff=s Liaison – Jason Hintz reported last month was the shortest call volume for Richmond.

Overbeek – remembered – Clerk sent a letter to County Board Rep Ryan Simons re one-time events – the Board referred it to Committee – they are trying to draft something.

Roadman Walter McManaway – attended webinar re the recent bipartisan law giving a lot of federal money through the State – federal and state fiscal years are not in sync, so confusing; a lot of details to be worked out, but we would need engineering firms – 1 to draw up bids, 1 to engineer the project, and 1 to inspect the finished work. Payment is 80/20, they are pushing for paperwork by August 1, want reconstruction peojects – work to be done in 2023-24. Discussion followed about possible work on the bridge on Island Road. Karbash asked if engineering costs can be factored in – response was possibly. Suggest Board members watch the taped webinar and ask questions. Chair suggested a future agenda item, Roadman said may need a special meeting – will review webinar.

Whitewater School District – Caroline Pate-Hefty reported on recent events, noted an increase in enrollment this year; trying to stop vaping by students; Hope project this summer will be to have students build a storage shed.

Public Comment – none

Operator License – After examination of paperwork, Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve license for Douglas J. Krause, sponsored by Badger Bob=s, passed unanimously.

Consideration of an Ordinance Designating All-Terrain Vehicle Routes – Wade presented a draft he had compiled from several other town ordinances, apologized for getting it to the Clerk late for distribution to other members. He toured other towns to check out signs, but did not see many. Discussion followed on signage re WTA recommendations. Overbeek reported feedback from Rob Mawhinney of Town of Johnstown in Rock County. Wade stated we need more feedback. Chair – we should table so Board can read the draft, copies can be made available to the public for input. State Statutes would be included by reference. Miller – need to talk about signage – concern re enforcement. Golf carts would need to be a separate ordinance. Consensus to table. Board thanked Wade for his work on this item.

MOU with Walworth County re Brine Tank Location – The Board reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding submitted by Walworth County. Questions arose about the proposed location of the brine tank. Supervisor Overbeek stated he was concerned that it should be 50 ft. from the well, not near it as proposed. It was noted that the exact location is not stipulated in the MOU, but is covered under Items 4 ARoles and Responsibilities@ and 5 ACommunications@. Motion by Kraus to approve the MOU and stipulate placement at least 50′ from the well location. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Overbeek will work with Roadman McManaway and the County=s representative to determine exact location.

Airplanes on Turtle Lake – Miller stated that our Ordinance prohibits aircraft landing on Turtle Lake, and she received calls from several concerned residents re planes landing on the lake. The Town must enforce the ordinance unless an agreement can be worked out with the Sheriff=s department through the Town and County=s attorneys. Karbash – may be worth it to consult with our attorney since this could happen again. Miller – don=t want to cause problems, but do we want to enforce the ordinance – would like to hear from residents – perhaps erect signs for pilots? This is a safety concern if boaters, fishermen, swimmers are in the way of planes. Residents present also expressed their safety concerns. Deputy Hintz said he could take it to the Sheriff, but it is a long process, also noted the ordinance says Awaters@ of Turtle Lake, not Aice@, which is when the recent landings occurred. Further discussion that the same verbiage is on the Whitewater Lake Ordinance which is a joint ordinance with Town of Whitewater, and may need to be included in the Lake Lorraine ordinance section as well. Motion by Overbeek to amend the current lake ordinance to include ice and snow, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Karbash will call WW/RL Management District, Clerk will contact Town of Whitewater, Overbeek will contact Tony Novak re Lake Lorraine. Karbash asked if there was a consensus to pursue with the Sheriff – response was yes from other Board members.

Sale Price of Town-owned lot in Skansen=s Subdivision. Miller reported she had received 4 calls but when she quoted the $24,000 price approved by the Board, the callers were not interested; she suggests $16,000-20,000, and perhaps advertise instead of just a sign on the property. Overbeek suggested calling two realtors and get back to the Board with their opinions. Kraus will call Bob Johnson for info on similar auctions. Consensus to table to April.

ARPA Restricted Use Funds – Generator Purchase – proposals were shared by Overbeek – difference in size, electrician suggested no generator for second location because of not used or tested often. Will likely need closed bids because of cost, suggest table for more info. Miller – should consider future needs. Motion by Karbash, Second by Kraus to table, passed unanimously.

Roadwork/Road Bids – Miller suggested we should publish early. Wade noted the ARPA contracts must be signed this year. Motion by Overbeek to publish regular bids to be opened in April and separate bid for Crackfilling, Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Clerk will meet with Roadman to determine wording of bids and spec sheets.

Open Book/ Board of Review Dates – Clerk read suggestions from Assessor, consensus to hold Open Book on Saturday, July 23, and Board of Review on Thursday, August 18.

Overbeek – re Roadwork (again) – need culverts and some ditching at intersection of Johnson and Island Roads because of flooding – just want to let the Board know we will go ahead with this.

Complaints – none

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk