June 21, 2022 Board Minutes
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Steve Wade, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Moller to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.
Motion by Miller, Second by Kraus, the approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.
Board Reports
Karbash – quiet month – nothing to report
Overbeek – same
Miller – same
Wade – same
Kraus – attended Town property auction, no sale but people thinking about it. Lots of trees on property scaring some people.
Sheriff=s Liaison Deputy Jason Hintz – busy month in County, couple reports of internet fraud in Richmond during May- June; theft in Turtle Lake area from unlocked cars, many more in Lauderdale Lake area. Ring cameras help catch the perpetrators.
Roadman Wally McManaway – nothing to add to report that was submitted.
Whitewater School District – Caroline Pate-Hefty reported excellent Summer School enrollment between 500 to 700 students. Note all classes are at the High School during the summer session.
Public Comment – Mark Alba – noted the Ski Team has already advertised its August event, and that hasn=t yet come before the Town Board.
Dennis Phillippi – complaint about someone driving by his house too slowly, concerned for his family – when he questioned the driver he said he was a Town Board member. Supervisor Kraus responded it was him, and he had been looking for illegal campers reported to him. Deputy Hintz noted it is not against the law for people to drive around slowly, but if concerned, call the Sheriff.
Liquor/Cigarette/Operator Licenses – Chair Karbash recused himself, turned the meeting over to Overbeek for this item. Overbeek read names for approval:
Agents -Amrita Kaur, Agent for Shan Gas & Food Mart, Inc., dba Uncle Buck=s; Wendy Staller, Agent for Staller Estate Vineyard and Winery LLC dba Staller Estate Winery; Jeffrey T. Karbash, Agent for Duck Inn, Inc., dba Duck Inn; Robert L. Johnson, Agent for Badger Bob=s LLC dba Badger Bob=s; Brian M. Paramski, Agent for Snug Lake Harbor LLC dba Snug Lake Harbor LLC; Jeffrey D. Hufford, Agent for Tl Service LLC dba Turtle Lake Tap and Grill – Motion to approve Appointment of Agents by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Class AA@ Beer/Liquor and Cigarette – Shan Gas & Food Mart, Inc., dba Uncle Buck=s – Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
AClass B@ Winery & Beer – Staller Estate Vineyard and Winery, dba Staller Estate Winery – Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
AClass B@ Beer & Liquor – Duck Inn, Inc., dba Duck Inn; -Badger Bob=s LLC, dba Badger Bob=s; Snug Lake Harbor, LLC, dba Snug Lake Harbor LLC; TL Service LLC, dba Turtle Lake Tap and Grill – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Cigarette License – Shaw Partners LP, dba Scenic Ridge Campground – Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.
New Operator licenses Board members examined applications from Joseph L. Staller, Timothy E. Paramski,Laura L. Wattelet, Elena J. Rolley, Jessica M. Maikish,Jeffrey K. Visger, Kris J. Reczynski, Timothy A. Berg – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Operator license renewals – Motion by Kraus, Second by Wade to approve all Operator license renewals listed on agenda page 2, passed unanimously.
Shawnda Peters, Southern Wakes United Water Ski Show Team, Request Permission for Ski Show on Turtle Lake. – Ms. Peters apologized for the confusion about the dates. Requesting permission for the show on August 6 from the Turtle Lake Tap & Grill beach, similar to last year. She explained locations of boats and barges, noted the time of day is flexible. Kraus asked the number of spectators expected = response they don=t know. Linda Szramiak from Turtle Lake Association reported the team had come to the Association for approval before coming to the Town Board – had no complaints about last year=s show, this year have 2 months lead time to prepare. The Association voted in favor. McIntyre=s resort will help with parking. Karbash read one comment received by email. Overbeek noted the Board always follows the lake association wishes for this type of event, and re complaints about big boats, they are on the lake all the time. Miller asked about shoreline erosion of debris. Ms. Szramiak stated this is the usual time for weed top off, and individual owners are responsible for their shoreline, but if anyone needs help they can ask the Association. Board members reported no problems, this team does a good job at Whitewater Lake. Motion by Overbeek to approve, noting the Ski Team has been coming to the Board for several years and is good to work with. Second by Miller, passed unanimously.
Town Clerk=s Retirement/Replacement Process- Chair asked Town Clerk Barb Ceas to explain this process. Ceas stated as an elected Clerk, she has decided not to run for office again in April 2023, and explained there are two types of Aclerks@ in Wisconsin – Elected and Appointed. She noted the differences – Aelected@ clerks must run for office every two years, answer to the citizens, not the Town Board, salaries are set by the residents. AAppointed@ clerks are hired by the Town Board and treated as any employee – contract period may be 6 months up to 3 years, renewed or not at the Board=s discretion, receive salary and benefits as determined by the Board, can only be fired for Acause@. In order for the Town to change to an Aappointed@ clerk, the Board must make a decision by ordinance no later than July in order to have a referendum question put on the November 2022 ballot in time for the change to occur in April 2023. She has given Board members information on the process and exactly what her position does for the Town, and asks for the question to be put on the July 12 Town Board agenda. Whether the decision is for elected or appointed, once a capable, interested applicant is found, Ceas would be willing to appoint that person as her Deputy (whose salary would be determined by the Board at a future meeting), and would help to train her/him for the position. Interested parties should contact her for more information.
Plan Commission Appointments – Susan Miller, Chair of the Plan Commission, explained there are currently 3 vacancies, explained the process to fill the vacancies and the legal reason for the Plan Commission. Currently the group meets Aas needed@. She is trying to equalize the representation between representatives from business, agriculture, residential areas of the township. Consensus to begin the advertising process to receive applications at the August Town Board meeting.
ATV Ordinance – Wade furnished a revised draft of the proposed ordinance, would like to submit it to the Town Attorney for his input. Motion by Overbeek to send it to Attorney David Moore, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Overbeek noted there have been no complaints about R/D Townline Road since the Town of Darien=s ATV ordinance was passed.
Airplane Ordinance – Karbash read the final draft ordinance as received from Attorney Moore. Motion by Miller to approve, execute and enact the ordinance re airplanes landing on our lakes, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Clerk noted it will need to be approved by Town of Whitewater because of the joint Whitewater/Rice Lakes ordinance.
Equipment Committee Recommendation re Generator – Wade explained the committee=s recommendations were to purchase a 25Kws portable generator that just needs a tractor to run, as opposed to a permanent generator that costs more, requires yearly maintenance and testing. They noted that if the Town tractor is not available when needed, several farmers nearby would be happy to lend theirs in an emergency. They also recommended future replacement of the 50+ year old Massey Ferguson to run the generator, allowing the large tractor with bucket to be available for use where needed during an emergency. Cost estimates for generator $6,000 and manual transfer switch $2500 plus installation. Replacement tractor with turf tires estimate $35,000. Clerk noted that using ARPA funds for that small purchase would not require sealed bids, just proposals from 3 different vendors. Motion by Overbeek to purchase a PTO driven generator and manual transfer switch, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Overbeek Moved to have Jim Hoover, Chairman of the Committee, get 3 quotes and report back to the Board for the July 12 Board meeting, Second by Miller; Overbeek amended his motion to include that he will contact electricians – Amended Motion Seconded by Wade, passed unanimously.
Sale of Town Property in Skansens Subdivision/Auctioneer=s Fee – Kraus reported no sale, but the auctioneer said to Asit tight@ because of interest expressed by people at the auction. Miller commented she would accept $15,000 for the parcel. Consensus to wait and see.
Complaints –
Carole Stanczak re unkept properties in Skansen=s Subdivision – Miller noted we had received a complaint about the property at Walnut & Juniper in January, contacted County Zoning, but have heard nothing, suggest sending a letter to the owners. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to have Clerk send letters to owners, passed unanimously.
Karen Martalock re Damage to vehicle from Town Mower – Clerk reported she was given the owner=s name and phone number when a message was left at the Town Hall. She called and left a message but have not heard from Ms. Martalock; however did receive a call from Deputy Stocking. Deputy Hintz said he had seen nothing on this. Will wait to see if we hear further from Ms. Martalock.
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus to pay the bills, passed unanimously.
Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk