June 18, 2024 Board Minutes

Board of Supervisor’s Meeting
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 7:00 pm
Town Hall, W9046 County Road A
Delavan, WI 53115
1. Call to Order
Chairman, Jeff Karbash, called the meeting to order. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan
Miller, Dave Overbeek, David Alexander, Mike Bergman
2. Pledge of Allegiance recited
3. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to approve the agenda. Unanimously approved.
4. Motion by Bergman, Second by Overbeek, to approve May 21, 2024 minutes. Unanimously approved.
5. Treasurer Report
Supervisor Bergman asked Treasurer why $25,000 was added to ARPA CD. Treasurer Seaver stated she took $25,000 to add to the ARPA CD to have more money and she referred to Clerk Hayes to verify that the ARPA money would not be needed for 2-3 months. APRA money along with the interest was added to the $25,000 from the checking account, to open a CD for 2 months.
Bergman, also, questioned if there were changes with the ARPA funds that allowed the additional general funds money to be added to/ mixed with the ARPA CD, because when the ARPA funds were originally received the Town was informed that these funds needed to remain in a separate account.
Chairman Karbash stated when the ARPA money was received, it needed to be spent only on allowable items and the Town Board preferred to keep the ARPA money in a separate fund to prevent worry about recordkeeping. Former Clerk Ceas added that when the ARPA money was first received, the DOR and Towns Association recommended keeping the ARPA money in a separate fund and ARPA money could not be used on the roads, but that has changed. Former Clerk also stated that the ARPA money has to be under contract by the end of this year and reports are completed to verify what the money has been spent on. Clerk Hafferkamp confirmed that Treasurer’s Report could be added to the Town website.
Motion by Miller, Second by Bergman, to approve the May 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Unanimously approved.
6. Board Reports
a. Chairman Karbash, Most on the agenda. Some complaints about boring and not having a flagger- Deputy Hintz states warnings are usually given instead of a ticket for not having a flagger, and there has not been consistent use of a flagger. Next road scheduled for boring is Island Road, which is very hilly, and Chairman Karbash warned Town’s people to be proceed with caution if driving up to a vehicle blocking a whole lane. Call from Sheriff about trees down and Wally busy with this concern.
b. Susan Miller, No concerns
c. Dave Overbeek, Call from Donna Stanton with concern for property not being restored by Edge. Multiple calls to Edge by Overbeek and he will call again. Edge only has to go down Island Road. Supervisor Bergman asked Overbeek to contact Inspector Dale Wendorf regarding rocks on Lake Lorraine Road where items were stored by fiber installers.
d. David Alexander. On agenda
e. Mike Bergman. Trees that Roadman McManaway is aware of.
7. Other Reports
a. Town Roadman – Ongoing storm damage. 3 times out on a Sunday for 6 trees or partial trees. All big tree limbs are cleaned up. Ditch mowing is almost completed. Trying to keep up with mowing with all the rain.
b. Sheriffs Liaison —All surrounding townships within same call volume for May/ June.
No thefts. Suggestions for new Walworth County speed trailer were R & W Townline Road east of lake towards Highway P (especially on the weekend) and Island Road.
c. Equipment & Maintenance Committee
Town needs to purchase a wood chipper. City of Delavan has a purchased a new chipper and will be selling the old chipper. Add to July 9, 2024 Board agenda to discuss offer contract to City of Delavan for purchase of their old chipper for $10,000.
d. Building Inspector— New building inspector, T. Walsh, introduced himself. He is, also, the Building Inspector for City of Delavan and Village of Darien. Phone #: 262949-7239. Leave a message, if he doesn’t answer, and he will call back as soon as he can.
e. Delavan School District — Not present
f. Whitewater School District — Not present
8. First Citizens’ Proposal
a. Treasurer Seaver states the only item in the proposal she is not in agreement is the $40 for the check reader because she does not believe the item is cost effective due to requirement to pay yearly and cash needing be to taken to the bank. Charges are applied when bank employees handles/ transfers money.
b. Chairman states First Citizens wants all Town money accounts at their bank. Currently offering 5.38% based off 3 month Treasury Bill rate with a current rare inverted yield curve, that has short term rates higher than long term rates, calculated monthly by Board of Commissioners of Public Land for the state of Wisconsin. Agrees with Ann regarding not getting check reader, believes all money should not be in one bank, and the Board should look at alternative investment options/ banks. Motion by Overbeek and Second by Bergman, to table proposal until July Board meeting when additional quotes from alternative banking resources. Deputy Treasurer
Hayes and Treasurer Seaver will obtain the alternative banking/ investment information. Unanimously approved.
9. Board/ Resident Audit Committee — David Alexander
Supervisor Alexander states this type of committee would be good with a new clerk to look at new banking options and different ways to invest money.
Chairman Karbash states not opposed to working with Deputy Treasurer Hayes, Supervisor Bergman, and Supervisor Alexander to discuss where to go for better rates, but does not believe a whole committee is necessary. Any subjects brought up in Public Comment can be discussed further at a future meeting. Multiple residents voiced concern for Town records being difficult to find, not being digital, and record requests not being fully completed.
Suggestion that Town records should be scanned into computer, as Deputy Treasurer Hayes says they have been for the last 1 1/2 years, and Chairman Karbash stated agreement. Several residents volunteered to assist in the scanning of Town records.
Motion by Bergman and Second by Alexander, t? table Board/ Resident Audit Committee discussion and bring back to next month’s meeting. Unanimously approved.
10. Treasurer Recall Election
April 9, 2024 Statement of Intent to Petition for Recall submitted to Town Clerk. 249 signatures required for Recall Petition. Petition submitted to Town Clerk with 305 signatures and 303 signatures accepted. Certificate of Sufficiency signed 6/18/2024. Recall election to be scheduled the 6th Tuesday after Certificate of Sufficiency is signed,
July 30, 2024. Deadline for candidates to submit candidacy forms July 2, 2024 by 5 PM. Treasurer Seaver does not need to submit candidacy forms, because she is automatically on the ballot.
Treasurer Seaver states she is staying on the ballot because she does not agree with the information that has been written/ voiced about her,
Motion made by Alexander, Seconded by Overbeek, to approve procedures for recall election. Unanimously approved.
11. Liquor Licenses
Chairman Karbash recuses himself and asks Supervisor Overbeek to review the Liquor License renewals.
Motion by Miller and Second by Bergman , to renew Liquor Licenses and Tobacco
Class “A” Beer/ Liquor and Cigarette:
Shan Gas & Food Mart, Inc, dba Uncle Buck’s “Class B” Beer/ Liquor:
Duck Inn, Inc., Duck Inn
Badger Bob’s LLC, dba Badger Bob’s
Snug Lake Harbor, LLC, dba Snug Lake Harbor, LLC TL Service LLC, dba Turtle Lake Tap and Grill Cigarette License:
Shaw Partners LP, dba Scenic Ridge Campground Motion approved by all voting Supervisors.
Motion by Miller and Second by Alexander to approve new operator licenses for:
Cayden E. Burns, Laura A. Chaise, Jacob D. Costello, Drake D. Duesterbeck, Theresa M. Klyczynski, Carmen A. Kraayvenger, Bryanna C. Santana Motion approved by all voting Supervisors.
Motion by Bergman and Second by Overbeek to approve renewal operator licenses for all listed:
Linda S. Allamian, Kathleen A. Bauling, Debbie J. Brodzik, Ian M. Darbro, Jennifer L. Dewar, Angeline R. Doman, Nataly Galvan Fonseca, Abby M. Grusinske, Nikita E. hartzheim, Nole R. Hefty, Aja R. Hill, Thomas E. Karbash, Andrew P. Kent, Elizabeth A. Klotz, Alexis M. Lafrenier, Andrew Lafrenier, Gracie L. Laue, Michelle M. Mnichowicz,
Wendy J. Mohr, Bobbie Jeanne Neal, Russell J- O’Leary. Timothy E_ Paramgki, Alexis KJ
Pinnow, Mallory L. Scharine, Katelyn J. Scherer, Eric A. Schmetter, Dennis J. Sherman, Cameron Slate, Joseph L. Staller, Emily A. Stark, Alan H. Stork, Lassity Lynn Sullivan, Mary R. Teumer, Gurshan S. Toor, Laura L. Wattlet, Kayla R. Wagner, Dawn M. Wegner Motion approved by all voting Supervisors.
Motion by Miller, Second by Bergman to approve appointment of agent for alcohol license applicants for:
Amrita Kaur, Agent for Shan Gas & Food Mart, Inc.,dba Uncle Buck’s
Jeffrey T. Karbash, Agent for Duck Inn, Inc., dba Duck Inn
Brian M. Paramski, Agent for Snug Lake Harbor LLC, dba Snug Lake Harbor LLC
Jason Johnson, Agent for Badger Bob’s LLC dba Badger Bob’s
Motion approved by all voting Supervisors.

12. N6468 Anderson Drive
Building Inspector met with Supervisor Alexander at above address today and he will look at zoning and Building Inspector fees related to per hour service. There are issues with the roof, no location to park on property, and stairs rotting away.
Supervisor Alexander provided information about property owner and previous contact with owner by Town in 2019. Walworth County Zoning does not cover boats and states if the current home is town down, a new home can be built on property. Currently has 7 boats on property, noxious weeds, racoon droppings, and doors of house are open. Weeds could be taken down and boats removed by the Town, with the owner being billed for the work completed.
Due to current concern for Health issue and Fire Hazard, Supervisor Alexander recommends contacting Town lawyer to write letter requesting removal of weeds and boats.
Supervisor Alexander will compose a list of ordinances associated with the property’s current condition.
Motion by Karbash and Second by Alexander for Town Board and Building Inspector to do more research about property to verify what is in non compliance with Town ordinances for possible condemning of property and for Chairman Karbash to contact Town attorney to set up a meeting to discuss possible letter to start fining for noncompliance of ordinances. Unanimously passed.
Motion by Bergman and Second by Alexander for a letter to be sent from the Town to N6468 Anderson Drive property owner regarding noxious weeds located on property with a time frame for when fines will be imposed, if weeds are not removed from property. Unanimously passed.
13. Turtle Lake Association
Linda Szramiak, introduced self and requested for Turtle Lake’s share of annual Lake
Funds. Last week, Turtle Lake Association had DASH, Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting, a weed harvesting system contracted with ECHO Waterways to collect weed fragments, Use specially outfitted pontoon boat with 3 ECHO staff and Turtle Lake volunteers. Millfoil and pondweed were collected. Work this year concentrated in the channel, to manage the aquatics, from public boat to Snug Harbor. 99 bags removed, Normally charged $300 to remove, but a member of Turtle Lake allowed the bags of weeds to be placed on their property. Not chemically treated lake since 2015 and recognized by DNR. Total cost $4200. 1036 used for replacement buoys and chains. $1464 amount requested
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to approve $ 1464 given to Turtle Lake Association as budgetary item. Unanimously approved.
14. GFL Proposal
Chairman Karbash met with Nate from John’s Pick Up. Brian completed a spreadsheet regarding GFL proposal.
Town is in the driver’s seat until 2026. GFL proposal requesting Town to convert to automatic pickup with an extension of contract to 2028.
Town would save approximately $250,000 by extending contract extension with GFL.
Town pays less than $12 per unit of garbage and the market price is approximately $20 – $22 per unit. Deputy Treasurer Hayes suggests only signing contract for one year, to verify after one year that this is what the Town’s people Want for garbage pick up.
Chairman Karbash states concern for trash not being picked up if not in the container or the cart not in the correct location, and for possible additional charges by GFL to home owners.
GFL wants to pick up one automated garbage container weekly and one automated recycling container every other week. Large item pick up would be by request (calling GFL) or could be twice yearly with large refuse containers placed in a specified Town location.
Motion by Karbash, Second by Bergman to table GFL Proposal discussion until Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 7 PM with copies of GFL Proposal and Neiuwenhuis contract available for public and Town Board. Unanimously passed.
15. Siding for building
Siding on back of shop needs be repaired/ replaced, in addition to possible post replacement. Supervisor Bergman will get shop wall siding measured for cost estimate, in addition to obtaining volunteers to remove and replace siding on the back of the shop, followed by wall removal with new insulation will, also, need to be installed.
16. Boring Contract
Supervisor Overbeek requesting a moratorium on all new boring, except for gas and electric, until a new boring contract or ordinance is written, to prevent all other utilities from boring. Overbeek,
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller, for a moratorium on all new boring, except for gas and electric, until a new boring contract is written. Unanimously passed.
17. Deputy Treasurer wage
Ann can appoint a Deputy Treasurer and up to the Board to set pay for the Deputy Treasurer. Brian Hayes was not getting paid as Deputy Treasurer since 9/2023, because he was getting paid as the Clerk. Deputy Treasurer works 20 hours per month vs. 20 hours per week for Deputy Clerk.
A Supervisor questioned why a Deputy Treasurer is needed because Treasurer Seaver informed the Board at the meeting that she is competent and can do the job without a deputy.
Brian Hayes spoke excitedly for approximately 15 minutes in response to the question and stated Alexander and Bergman had sent written notice to the Town residents that our Town is suffering from financial instability. Hayes went on to say that “You two screwed up the succession plan that we had in place.”
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to pay Deputy Treasurer a wage of $20, until Recall Election. Overbeek, Miller, and Karbash voted to approve. Alexander and Bergman voted to oppose. Motion passed.
18. Roadwork Decision for 2024
Roadman McManaway provided a list of approximate/ estimate cost for roadwork that will be appropriate for Town budget
LRIP fund: Garden Terrace Road Bid separately.
Regular 680 Tons
Wisconsin Parkway to Holiday Drive 435 Tons
Striping, Tack, Crack filling $38,000 in budget
Budget amendment needed to spend LRIP grant of $16,000 this year.
$50,000 as increase in levi, then total expenditures need to equal that levi amount.
With $50,000 increase in levi, there is still a short fall for expenditures in 2024 Budget.
Total Road Budget = includes highway maintenance, payroll expenditure, equipment maintenance Chairman Karbash states he is an advocate of spending more on roads.
Motion by Bergman, Second by Miller , to approve roadwork list as stated and to make a budget amendment, if needed. Unanimously approved.
Add LRIP to July 9, 2024 Board Meeting agenda.
19. Equipment Committee appointment
Vacancy on Equipment Committee. Karbash nominates Kevin Kraayvenger.
Motion by Overbeek, second by Bergman to appoint Kevin Kraayvenger to Equipment Committee. Unanimously approved.
20. Lawn Mower Replacement
Old mower is over 30 years old. Bergman states Equipment Committee recommends selling Massey lawn mower on auction, keep other mower to mow lawn mower, and, then buy a 72″ lawn mower.
$15,900 lawn mower at Johnson Tractor, Ferris 72″ inch riding lawn mower
Goes 12 miles and will be driven down the road instead of using a trailer to transport.
Park should be able to be mowed with the one 72″ mower.
Motion by Overbeek Second by Bergman to purchase riding lawn mower from Johnson Tractor. Unanimously approved.
Budget amendment will need to be approved at monthly July Board Meeting.
21. Public Comment
Wayne Redenius expressed concern for how Town officials are talking about him and comparing current procedures with previous Board procedures. He states there has been a lack of answers provided related to his questions to the Board. He, also, expressed concern with legality of roadwork being completed without authorization and states he did circulate recall forms and people wanted to sign the petition for various concerns/ issues that they had with the current Treasurer.
Person expressed concern that information has not been provided for a public request.
22. Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, to adjourn the meeting. Unanimous approval.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Hafferkamp
Clerk, Richmond Township