June 15, 2021 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 7:00pm

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Carol Behrens, Dave Overbeek, Tom Kraus. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Miller, Second by Behrens, to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.

Motion by Miller, Second by Kraus, to approve the Minutes, passed unanimously.

Motion by Kraus, Second by Behrens, to approve the Treasurer=s Report, passed unanimously.
Board Reports
Karbash – phone conversation with Pete Diemer – on Agenda; received complaint re piers on Lake Lorraine – not Town responsibility.
Overbeek -Call re speeders Rowley Road. Perhaps Sheriff could patrol there. Limit is 45mph. Call from Mr. Sparks re speeding near Town Park – 25mph limit – suggested he get license numbers and report to Sheriff.
Miller – several land related calls; no value on lots in Skansens – $13,500 closest value – still have calls out; Mizou property at Hwy 89 & R/W Townline has been sold, is not habitable, no other details; received complaint about W8770 Ridge Rd in Skansens – need to look down from road to see mess – Aabandoned@ vehicle may be Zoning issue, nothing Town can do; complaint/inquiry re property on County A – cars parking on road right-of-way by shoppers who got onto the roadway when getting into their cars to leave – called County – they will follow up.
Behrens – nothing
Kraus – nothing – looked at property on agenda.

Sheriff=s Liaison – Deputy Hintz reported some minor crimes in County, nothing in Richmond.

Roadman McManaway – talked about variance with owner; now ditch mowing; trees down because of extreme heat – even in Town park.

Whitewater School District – Superintendent Pate-Hefty reported they are closed for the year, averaged 131 in person days last year, had 157 cases Covid positive through home connections. Received a ABest in Music Education@ award; former Coach Judy Harms elected Hall of Fame Coach. Graduated 144 – graduates received $1.2 million in scholarships.

Public Comment – none

Licenses – Chairman recused himself and did not vote on licenses. He turned the meeting over to Supervisor Overbeek. After examination of applications, Overbeek Moved to renew Class AA@ Liquor license for Shaun Gas & Food Mart, dba Uncle Buck=s, Amrita Kaur, Agent; AClass B@ licenses to Duck Inn – Jeffrey T Karbash, Agent, Badger Bob=s – Robert Johnson, Agent, Snug Lake Harbor – Brian M Paramski, Agent, and TL Service dba Turtle Lake Tap & Grill – Jeffrey D Hufford, Agent; AClass B@ Winery and AClass B@ beer license to Staller Estate Vineyard and Winery, Wendy Staller, Agent. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to award Cigarette licenses to Shaun Gas & Food Mart and Shaw Partners dba Scenic Ridge Campground, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus to renew all Operator licenses, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to approve new Operators, passed unanimously.

Variance Application – M. Scot Nowicki Request for Variance to Repair Existing Parking Pad and Expand Parking Pad. Property located at W7561 Shorewood Terrace. Mr. Nowicki explained his reason, noted the variance is required because the existing 18′ parking pad is on the right-of-way. Need approval for new 20′ area with crushed limestone with no runoff problem. Son next door has no parking. Overbeek noted he had looked at it twice, once after County came out and installed stakes – they have no other place to park because of land configuration. Can=t park across road in front of neighbor – this would cause no problem for snowplows – wrote letter to County about that, will not catch water to bother neighbors; commend him for taking the initiative to research his options. Karbash – he and McManaway do not see a problem either for the owner or his neighbor – leaves 3′ between the properties, looks OK for plowing. Unique situation with hill behind them. Miller looked at site, consulted Roadman – question about drain tiles, but . Kraus – see no problem. Motion by Overbeek to recommend approval, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously. Overbeek – reasons for recommendation – it is an asset to the community by allowing parking off the Town road, addresses neighbor=s concerns about parking on public property; will create no drainage issues;fits with County plan; helps with snowplowing; no neighbors opposed; no detriment to neighbors.

Lake Lorraine Area Flooding Abatement Process – Karbash reported that since the May meeting, he and Overbeek had met with Pete Diemer from AECOM re the DNR=s letter with 10 bullet points and Aother options to consider@, then today Karbash had met with Pete again – Dave was not available – Pete still needs to touch base with Crystal VonHoldt from the DNR to know where we stand on this. In the meantime, we have spent a lot of money on engineering and DNR permit applications at this point – approximately $18,000. In order to go further to see if it is possible to pursue it, we are asking for the Board to approve another $5,000 for engineering which should give us a better insight on if we should go further. Overbeek – any idea of construction costs? Karbash – less than engineering – how far do we pursue this? DNR left a lot of questions open. Miller – afraid this could drag on – don=t want to drag on and on. Karbash – could be less – OHWM could be different, also our initial depth – could cost more to change project at this time. Current level could be sustainable and we could live with it. Lake surveys have different OHWM than DNR – could change DNR requirements? Miller – what is definitive answer, how long must we wait? Karbash – could we do without agreement from WW/RL Mgmt is the question. Rich Charts from WW/RL noted algae blooms in Buol pond is concern. Karbash feel we could get some clarification with additional $5,000 to explore Aother options@. Overbeek – change in OHWM could affect property owners if current homes are damaged. Karbash read the Aother options@ info in DNR=s letter. Following further discussion, Overbeek Moved to spend an additional $5,000 – want to see the DNR give us an answer. Second by Behrens, passed unanimously. Overbeek – want to say we started with DNR they lead us all over – not doing their job, yet they approved Wandawega=s request to pump water into a creek immediately. Not fair to our residents. Karbash – part of Whitewater Lake is in our township, too. DNR need to lead us into the right direction. We also believe we have an obligation to people who are losing their homes to the flooding.

Town-owned Lots in Skansen=s Subdivision – need to set date for Town Electors meeting to ask permission to sell the property. Consensus to hold the Special Town Meeting at 6:30pm on July 20, before the Town Board meeting. Karbash reminded the public that we received a donation of 2 parcels for 4 lots in Skansen=s subdivision and need Town approval.

ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Miller – Clerk has done a lot of work on this – we don=t know what we can use the money for – Miller has been reading and watching webinars. Key word is patience, patience, patience. We have until December 31 2024 to commit the money, and another year to pay out the money – after that we would need to return what we don=t spend. Clerk – Feds are still refining what we can do with it, but by Friday June 18 Clerk must file a form online in order for us to receive the funds – total amount is $199,079.59, we will receive half this year and half next year. Every time we attend a webinar we get a little more information, so we can=t be in a hurry. We are putting the money into a Money Market – we can use the interest and don=t need to account for it. To get the money, there are two forms that need to be signed by the Responsible Authorized Representative of the Town. Clerk asks for a Motion to appoint that individual. Miller Moves to appoint Jeffrey Karbash, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously. Clerk named the documents: Award Terms & Conditions Agreement; Assurances of Compliance with Civil Rights Requirements. Motion passed unanimously. Clerk asked for and read a Budget Resolution to change the 2021 budget to include the ARPA funds in the Revenue and Expenditure areas. Motion by Kraus, Second by Behrens to approve, passed unanimously. Kraus noted he is very comfortable having Clerk handle this process.

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Overbeek, Second by Miller, passed unanimously

Motion to Adjourn by Kraus, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk