July 30, 2024 Board Minutes


Board of Supervisor’s Meeting

July 30, 2024

7:00 PM



Call to Order by Chairman Karbash.

Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Dave Overbeek, David Alexander, and Mike Bergman.

Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to approve meeting agenda.  Passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to approve June 18, 2024 Board Minutes. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to approve July 9, 2024 Board Minutes. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Alexander, Second by Bergman, to approve July 16, 2024 Board Minutes. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller, to approve June Treasurer’s Report. Passed unanimously.


Board Reports

Karbash – Spoke with Attorney David Moore regarding N6468 Anderson Drive

Overbeek – received several phone calls concerning boring

Miller – 2 zoning issues

Alexander – on agenda

Bergman – on agenda


Sheriff Liaison – Jason Hintz

In June & July 2024:  96 controlled burns. Thanks for calling these in!!

6 property damage accidents

17 rescue calls

18 tree down calls

Between July 14 – 30, 2024, there was a total of 47,353 vehicles that the speed trailer recorded on Highway A, near the Townhall, with an average speed of 41 mph.

The speed trailer has now been moved near Highway A & Johnson Road.


Roadman Report – Wally McManaway

Chip Sealing completed on Lake Lorraine Road on July 26, 2024.

Garden Terrace Road tree still needs to be cut up/ removed.


Equipment & Maintenance Committee – No report

Building Inspector – No report

Delavan School Board – No report

Whitewater School Board – No report


N7027 Oakwood Drive

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Bergman, to approve temporary spoil pile placed on association access with requirements that restoration completed by April 30, 2025, printed proof of insurance supplied to Town Clerk prior to start of project, in addition to a $2000 deposit check, held in a special account, submitted to Richmond Township as a retainer to ensure area is restored properly.  After April 30, 2025, Board will discuss if area is restored and will release deposit money back to the builder, Evergreen Designs.  Passed unanimously.


1st Citizens proposal decision

Tabled from June meeting.

Motion by Bergman, Second by Alexander, to table discussion until August Board meeting. Passed unanimously.


Decision on investment of cash assets

Motion by Karbash, Second by Bergman, to table decision until August Board meeting and have Nicholas Ott, from Edward Jones come to meeting to discuss options. Passed unanimously.


N6468 Anderson Drive decision

Karbash read 6/27/24 phone meeting notes with Attorney David Moore.

Certified letter sent with noxious weed notice and Wally took down some of the weeds.

Building inspector stated building could be fixed instead of being razed.

Motion by Miller, Second by Alexander, to adopt Resolution declaring public nuisance. Passed unanimously.

Motion by Miller, Second by Alexander, to proceed with Notification of Nuisance. Passed unanimously.


Budget Amendment for lawnmower purchase

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Bergman, to accept budget amendment. Passed unanimously.


Sale of Massey Tractor and accessories

Motion by Bergman, Second by Overbeek, to sell Massey tractor and accessories (grooming mower and ditch mower) on Wisconsin Surplus public auction.

Passed unanimously.


Approve Operator License – Eleanor M. Treder

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller, to approve Operator’s License for Eleanor M. Treder.  Passed unanimously.


Change date of August Board meeting

Next Board meeting scheduled on the same date as Recall Election.

Motion by Karbash, Second by Bergman, to change August Board meeting to August 22, 2024.

Passed unanimously.


Town Website

Continuing to get email subscribers added to Town website.

Discussion on having live Board meetings via Zoom.

Town resident had previously expressed willingness to donate video supplies to

Motion by Karbash, Second by Overbeek, that Bergman will talk with Darien Supervisor about videotaping Board meetings, Clerk Hafferkamp will continue to work on adding email subscribers to the Town website, and both will report to the Board next month.  Passed unanimously.


Purchasing a Wood Chipper

City of Delavan is not currently selling their used wood chipper, possibly in approximately 6 months.

Overbeek states Sourcewell may be an option to purchase with a municipality discount.


Motion by Karbash, Second by Bergman, table discussion about purchasing a wood chipper until after Equipment Committee meets.


Rowley Road Parking

Bergman received several complaints about a semi parking along the road.

Continue to observe situation and update the property owner about the complaint.

Complaint letter tabled by Bergman and will put on agenda again in the future.


Public Comments

Limited to 2 minutes and the Board will not act or comment on any matters raised in the public comment period that are not otherwise noticed on the agenda for a decision.

Bergman stated disagreement with the 2 minute limitation for speaking.


Payment of Bills

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to approve payment of bills.  Passed unanimously.


Motion by Overbeek, Second by Bergman, to adjourn the meeting. Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Cindy Hafferkamp

Town Clerk