July 20, 2021 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. Absent: Supervisor Carol Behrens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Miller, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Minutes – Miller asked for a correction on Page 2 under the vote to increase the budget for engineering by $5,000 – she voted No, so the decision was 4-1, not unanimous. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to approve the Minutes as corrected. Passed unanimously.

Treasurer=s Report – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Board Reports
Karbash – light month – nothing to report.
Overbeek – nothing
Miller – items on agenda
Kraus – call from Turtle Lake resident about garbage at one of the businesses there – spoke to owner – suggested to owner & Nieuwenhuis that they come twice a week.

Sheriff – Deputy Jason Hintz – township has done very well compared to other townships and cities. Good news.

Roadman McManaway – nothing except McFarland – had salesman out, needs wedging for a couple of long strips, changing culverts tomorrow.

Whitewater School District – Caroline Pate-Hefty – using federal funds to repair fields – no cost to residents; will have a nice complex in Fall; summer crews cleaning school buildings.

Public Comment – Clerk to remind everyone next month=s meeting is on the second Tuesday August 10 instead of the third Tuesday, also – just got email this afternoon – the County Board has approved $500,000 from ARPA funds for a grant for Comcast Communications, also understand they will sponsor another grant for a lesser amount for Edge Broadband. Mark Luberda had hoped we could have the Board sponsor it, but I told him Asorry, it is too late to get on the agenda@, however each Board member (and others if they wish) can write letters of support on their own. Contact me for more information. Understand a large portion of the Comcast proposal is in Richmond, but do not have specifics.

Diane Clevin for herself and husband – gave their family history on Whitewater Lake and concerns about that lake, opposed to using their tax monies for the Lake Lorraine culvert proposal. Ask the Board to stop the project.

Diane Carlson – delivering petition from residents in opposition to taking water from Lake Lorraine into Whitewater Lake. She explained their reasons and ask the Board to consider other alternatives.

Steven Armstrong – has a letter from Senator Ringhand – seems things are being held up now, concerned about detriment to Whitewater Lake, would like to consider other options, would like to see agricultural impacts to Lake Lorraine waters; concerned about wells. Perhaps a holding tank system to filter out Lake Lorraine water? Who will pay for damage to wells?

Phil James – 2nd generation on Whitewater Lake – have seen many changes to lake, have had high water, shoreline damage, pier damage – Lake Management District works closely with DNR – water quality improving. Have no idea what is in Lake Lorraine water. Most properties have retaining walls/seawalls – Lake Lorraine owners should do the same – regulated by the DNR. Town shouldn=t solve homeowners= flooding problems with tax dollars. This flooding could be an anomoly – it is a cycle. The Town should forget about it.

Ernest Roy – on WW/RL Mgmt District – had calls saying Lake Lorraine water quality was better than Whitewater Lake water quality. He reviewed the UW study re Lake Lorraine water quality and invasive species. Whitewater has more invasive species, but better water quality.

Chuck Chamberlin – 48 year resident, opposed to project. Understand the Board is trying to solve problems, think there must be alternative solutions, ask for more transparency.

Ben Fulco – opposed to the project – haven=t seen any impact assessments.

Fran Cleven again – concerned about weeds – cattails, bluestripe, worked with Girl Scouts to kill them, know they are in Lake Lorraine, also water lilies.

Rich Charts – WW/RL Mgmt District – against anything going through Buol pond. Will not support moving water from one watershed to another. Suggest looking at retention ponds.

Karbash thanked everyone for their comments.

Request for ski show at Turtle Lake Tap & Grill dock on Turtle Lake August 21 – Cassidy Winkler presented the request, noted the date has changed from Saturday, August 21 to Friday, August 20 at 5:00pm in order to stay within the Turtle Lake Ordinance Ano wake@ boundaries. They are part of the Aqua Jays ski team – insurance should cover. Clerk read letter of support from Turtle Lake Association, with requests the group agreed to comply with. Motion by Overbeek to approve, subject to insurance coverage, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.

Turtle Lake Association Request funds for Aquatic Invasive Plant Removal. Chair noted Ms. Szramiak is unable to attend, and they are asking for money allocated to the lake each year. Miller – they should pay for the buoys. Clerk noted they took 5 buoys at $161 each. Motion by Overbeek to give them the balance of $2500 minus the cost of the buoys, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Sale of Lots in Skansen=s Subdivision – Miller looked into lots, realtor from Shorewest suggested $15,000 for a quick sale, $20,000 if we wait awhile – Miller suggests we wait awhile. Lot is next to easement for Linnea Road, lots on the other side were recently sold and are being cleared now. Karbash – put up signs, perhaps neighbor would want to purchase it instead of going through a realtor. Miller will offer to take calls. Motion by Overbeek to have Wally McManaway put up a sign with Susan Miller as the contact person, at $24,000 (Clerk – will you put price on the sign – response No), Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Miller & McManaway will confer about the sign.

Internet for Township=s Treasurer – Chair reported the Treasurer called asking for the Town to pay for the hotspot for a couple of months, $60/month. Clerk – she wants it during tax season to enter collections on County website. Says she only gets 15 minutes per month. Discussion – she needs more reliable and more than 15 minutes a month. Where she is located she has a problem getting good internet service. Board suggestions – change plans, get better service? Have Clerk look into our cellphone contract. Steve Armstrong volunteered to send some info to Clerk re other options. Clerk will confer with Ann, this will be on a future agenda.

Complaints – none

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Motion to Adjourn by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC
Town Clerk