February 5, 2024 Board Meeting

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisor’s Meeting
Monday, February 5, 2024 7:00pm

Board Members present: Jeff Karbash, Dave Overbeek, Susan Miller, Steven Wade, Tom Kraus. Absent: Treasurer Ann Seaver.

Town Chairman Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the agenda by Overbeek, seconded by Kraus, approved unanimously.

Motion to approve the January 16, 2024 minutes by Kraus, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.

Deputy Clerk Wage approval
Clerk Hayes explains to the Board that when he put the 2024 budget proposal together, he budgeted for a Deputy Clerk as the Board was encouraging him to appoint one. Hayes explains that he budgeted $20 per hour at 20 hours per week for the Deputy Clerk and he included that figure in the budget. Hayes explains to the Board that this was included in his proposed $60,500 budget for the Clerk expenses which also included consideration for the Clerk wage, and the expenses associated with four elections for 2024. Hayes reminds the Board that during budget discussions, the Board increased the Clerk Budget by $20,000 to $80,500 as the Board felt we may need additional monies in the event we were to have to engage in a search for a Clerk outside of the Township. Hayes explains that while the 2024 budget has been approved by the Board, following discussions with Chairman Karbash, he placed this item on the agenda to clarify the Deputy Clerk wage approval by formal motion.

Motion by Overbeek to approve a Deputy Clerk wage at $20 per hour, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.

Tax Adjustment for Former Deputy Treasurer
Clerk Hayes provides a background for the Board advising that former Deputy Treasurer Betsy Sheets, was initially hired in October of 2020 as an Election Inspector. In our payroll system, there is a small box to check if Social Security and Medicare Taxes are to be withheld. These two boxes were not checked at the time as our former Clerk was familiar with Internal Revenue Code Section 3401(a) which exempts Election Inspectors from having to pay social security or medicare taxes on earnings up to the Federal threshold of $2,000. In 2001, and 2002 Sheets had no taxes withheld as she earned less than this threshold. Sheet was appointed Deputy Treasurer and officially sworn in by Clerk Barb Ceas on December 7, 2022 and worked as Deputy Treasurer until her resignation on September 11, 2023. Sheets didn’t realize that there was no medicare or Social Security taxes being withheld from her pay until she received her W-2 form in January 2024.

Hayes read from the IRS rule “If the employer chooses not to begin withholding until after the worker earns the Federal threshold amount, then the employer would be liable for the total amount of FICA taxes due”

Hayes explains in this case the amount of FICA taxes due are $481.39 and require Board approval to pay if the Board chooses to.

Motion by Overbeek to approve payment of $481.39 to IRS for FICA taxes owed, seconded by Miller, approved unanimously.

Building Inspector
Overbeek has done some background investigation with builders seeking suggestions for a respected building inspector. Two names have surfaced, Joe Messler, and Terrance Welch. Overbeek has discussed the Town’s need for a building inspector with both individuals and both individuals expressed interest in working with Richmond Township. Since that time, Messler has advised he isn’t interested anymore.

Terrance Welch has been a builder and understands the work because he’s actually performed it. Overbeek reminds the Board that Municipal Zoning and Inspection Services attempted to locate their replacement for the Township but has been unable to find a replacement.

Welch met with Karbash, Overbeek and Clerk Hayes to explore an agreement with the Township. During the meeting Welch suggested he would seek his own liability insurance coverage and prefers a contractual relationship vs. direct employment.

Overbeek reports that he has spoken to some of the builders Welch has worked with and has not received a single negative comment about his inspection services.

Overbeek asks if the Board would like to meet with Mr. Welch, and the Board expresses a willingness to meet at a time convenient for Mr. Welch.

Overbeek makes a motion we draft a contract proposal for Terrance Welch proposing an 80/20% split whereby the Township would receive 20% of permit revenues generated and the Building Inspector receives 80%. Motion seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.

Clerk Hayes advises he will draft an agreement proposal and send to Mr. Welch for his review.

Motion to adjourn by Miller, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Hayes
Town Clerk