February, 2020 Minutes

Town of Richmond

Board of Supervisors Meeting

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. Absent: Supervisor Susan Miller The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion to approve the Agenda by Overbeek, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Motion to approve the Minutes by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.

Board Reports:

Karbash – quiet month – talked to Wally and Dave re the rip-rap.

Overbeek – rip-rap done, also cut brush on Lake Drive, cost $39,000plus. Wasn’t able to meet with Adams electric re generators so they met with Wally. Will work with Steve Wade and meet with George, and Brown Electric. Generators are in short supply now. Chair remarked he had heard that it will be easier to use the ARPA money now.

Wade – quiet month

Kraus – quiet month.

Roadman McManaway – quiet with little snow, working on clearing brush and trees.  Call from County Hwy Dept re road brine – they are looking for a location in our area, would like to put a tank on our Church Road property. Told them we would need a Memo of Understanding; they said DNR permit is not necessary; they hope to construct in July or August; if need to move the tank in the future, they would. Clerk suggested they send a letter to the Board so a decision can be made at a future meeting.

Public Comment – none.

Operator License – Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek to approve license for Holly

Scott, sponsored by Uncle Buck’s, passed unanimously.

Consideration of an Ordinance Designating All-Terrain Vehicle Routes – Karbash reviewed question brought up by Town of Darien’s ordinance at last month’s meeting. Much discussion followed – Kraus noted we should check with the Sheriff for help; Overbeek reported he had talked to Deputy Jason Hintz, who said they have no problem, would enforce an ordinance. Roadman asked about signage. Estimate would need at least 50, probably where weight limit signs are, cost estimated to be $30 each, and where would put them? This is not a “trail system”. Chair allowed questions from audience: would drivers need license? – yes, and vehicles must be licensed. John Cochran – lot of them are used now in Skansen’s area.  Overbeek Moved to proceed to create an ordinance and bring it back to a Board meeting, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Wade offered to work with Deputy Hintz and look at ordinance samples for consideration.

Suggested Change to County Zoning Ordinance to Include “One-Time Event” Permits – Overbeek reported he talked to Matt Weidensee, who said many towns would like such an option but none has pursued it.  Right now all of these type events are illegal, even fireworks displays, and parking is illegal. The Radar Run is OK on the lake because County has no jurisdiction on the ice, but parking would be illegal. Often they just ignore the violations. If the County allowed it, towns could make their own requirements. Overbeek offered to work on it and ask other towns if they are interested; Overbeek Moved to look into it further, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Overbeek will work with Clerk to draft letter to County and see if other towns want to sign on.

WTA Meetings

Tri County Unit Jan 27, Lake Geneva – Wade may be able to attend, will advise Clerk District Meeting April 23, Whitewater – Board of Review Training, Karbash, Kraus, Overbeek, Wade, Clerk Ceas for sure.  Clerk will ask Miller and send registrations.

Complaint – Nowaczyk property at Walnut & Juniper Streets in Skansen’s Subdivision. In Miller’s absence, Chair said she suggests sending a letter to the owners with a copy to County Zoning. After discussion, Kraus Moved to send the letter directly to the County, Second by Karbash, passed unanimously.

Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town Clerk