December 21, 2021 Board Meeting
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Chair Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors
Susan Miler, Steve Wade, Dave Overbeek, Tom Kraus. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion to approve the Agenda by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the Minutes by Miller, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Board Reports
Karbash – nothing Overbeek – nothing Miller – all on Agenda Wade – nothing
Kraus – attended Whitewater Fire Department meetings.
Sheriff’s Liaison Jason Hintz – roadside thefts in last two months, i.e. equipment left out overnight was stolen. Fraud is big problem – urge people to not respond to unusual phone calls or emails. If from your credit card, IRS, Social Security, etc. hang up and call the number on your card.
Public Comment – none.
Sonya Ropson and Jennifer Lange (sp?) re Whitewater Grocery Co-op – they are trying to bring a local grocery to Whitewater with both locally produced items and national brand foods, hope to be open in a year or so. They now have 60% of required membership – initial membership is $150 with no annual fee, will give discounts on food. Have two sites under consideration, will hire locally.
Operator Licenses: Russell J. O’Leary and Eleanore M. Treder, sponsored by Badger Bob’s – Motion to approve upon receipt of Bartender Course Certificate by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Radar Run at Turtle Lake – Elkhorn & Delavan Snowmobile Clubs – Joe Brown explained the plans for the day, expressed concern about parking, asked if the Town would permit parking on the roads in the Turtle Lake area. Karbash asked what they planned – stated he feels he needs to keep the roads open for emergency vehicles, or the Town could be liable. Overbeek suggested they work with Snug Harbor to allow parking in their campground area. Mr. Brown asked if he needed to put up “no parking” signs – Sheriff Hintz said no. Miller recommended he contact Matt Weidensee at Walworth County to answer his question about parking in a neighboring ag field. Chair Moved that we are in favor if he can show legal parking areas, and we would approve parking in an ag field if the County approves it and they try to utilize parking at Snug Harbor and the Town boat landing. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Mr. Brown asked if they get approval from the County, can they use golf carts to shuttle people – answer from Sheriff Hintz is No.
Appointment of Election Inspectors for 2022-2023 Term – Chair read the names nominated by the Republican and Democratic parties and others “unaffiliated”, along with a Resolution allowing the Clerk to appoint Special Registration Deputies and assign additional poll workers if more than seven are needed for an election. Motion to approve by Miller, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
ATV-UTV Trails – Ordinance Proposed by Town of Darien to Include a Portion of R&D Townline Road – Chair read the proposed ordinance from the Town of Darien, noted that Richmond approval is needed on the portion of R/D Townline Road that we maintain. Motion by Overbeek to approve, Second by Kraus, passed 4-0 with Miller abstaining. Clerk was directed to put this on the January agenda concerning Town of Richmond roads.
Walworth County Proposed Food Truck Ordinance – Clerk noted the County is asking for comments re their proposed ordinance amendments. Motion by Overbeek that we do not want to see fees from residential property owners who want to have a truck on their property for a family event like a wedding or other party. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
ARPA Restricted Fund Allowable Uses – Miller reported she has a zoom meeting on Wednesday with Baker-Tilley to calculate our “lost revenue”. We can use the amount of lost revenue from our ARPA funds for roads. We can give “premium pay” to our Essential Workers, who include election workers, snowplow drivers, and roadman. Premium pay would come from ARPA funds, is paid over and above the regular pay rate, and would end when the ARPA deadline is reached. She would like a decision tonight on premium pay for election
workers, will ask about others in January. Miller asks the Board to authorize premium pay for election workers in an amount up to $13/hour. Other allowable expenses include a generator for the Hall/Garage and Church Road building, possible ADA upgrade to restrooms, and telecom equipment. Karbash asked about broadband, Miller said no because State and County are funding those. Motion by Kraus to give election workers $5.00/hr premium pay for 2020 and 2021 and determine an amount, if any, at the end of next year. Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously. Miller asked if she should proceed with ADA and HVAC to get consultants, consensus was no. Adams Electric in Elkhorn and Brown Electric were suggested as reputable companies for generators – consensus OK to have committee work on that.
Whitewater Fire & EMS Contract- Kraus reported on the meetings he attended, Wade had attended by zoom – it appears the City of Whitewater wants to take over the Fire Department, don’t really know why. Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, to approve the contract, passed unanimously.
State Hwy 89 Detour Proposal for June through September, 2023 – DOT is asking for comments – Karbash – they should have current signage on Hwy 43 exit at Hwy 14 that local businesses in Richmond are open.
Complaints – none
Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Kraus, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Motion to Adjourn into Closed Session per WI 19.85(1)(c) to consider employee compensation and benefits, and possible bonuses by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Motions in Closed Session:
- Overbeek/Kraus to give $400 to Randy Halverson and Gina McManaway; $250 to Ron
Ehlen; $500 to Wally McManaway, and $400 to Jeremy Blue; passed unanimously.
Motion by Overbeek, Second by Wade to increase Roadman McManaway’s salary by
2. $2.00/hour to $28.50, passed unanimously, and to amend his contract in Item #1 on the last page to include that a task given by the Chairman or Road Supervisor must be completed within 3 days, or immediately if an emergency, and the Chairman or Road Supervisor must be notified by text when the task is completed. Passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn by Miller, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town Clerk