August 22, 2024 Board Minutes


Board of Supervisor’s Meeting

August 22, 2024

7:00 PM


 1. Call to Order by Chairman Jeff Karbash

Present: Chairman Karbash, Supervisors Susan Miller, Dave Overbeek, David Alexander, and Mike Bergman

2.  Pledge of Allegiance recited.

3. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander to approve meeting agenda. Passed unanimously.
4. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander to approve July 30, 2024 minutes. Passed unanimously.
5. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller to approve July 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Passed unanimously.

6. Board Reports

Karbash – on agenda

Overbeek – on agenda

Alexander – waiting for lawyer’s letter to be sent for Anderson Drive property, then property owner will have 30 days to respond.  3 additional properties with one property on Shorewood Terrace in violation of ordinance due to 2 undrivable cars in driveway and Alexander will stop to talk to home occupants.

MB – on agenda

7. Other Reports
a. Sheriff’s Liaison -no report
b. Town Roadman – has not been in contact with Rock Road regarding paving. County will do road striping the week after the fair.  Ditch mowing has been started.
c. Equipment & Maintenance Committee – no report
d. Building Inspector – no report
e. Delavan/Darien School District – no report
f. Whitewater School District – no report

8. Turtle Lake Road Culvert issues

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Alexander, to not replace driveway on Turtle Lake Road.  Passed unanimously.

9. Mary Primozich to discuss concerns for road sign, road condition, and tree in Turtle Lake Channel

Roadman McManaway stated yellow traffic sign on Garden Terrace will be placed in previous location, after digger’s hotline marks the area.

Supervisor Bergman stated Garden Terrace scheduled to be paved this year.

Chairman Karbash stated DNR is the resource to contact regarding trees in Turtle Lake.

10. Nick Ott from Edward Jones discussed investment options for Township
Insured Money Market account with checks and/ or debit account, currently 2.2% with insurance
Brokered CDs, laddering – 3, 6, 9 month CDs, 5 – 5.3% and 2 year CD 4.5% currently
Money Market Mutual Fund, 5.3% currently, different versions with monthly dividend
Bond Funds

11. Budget

Table until next month and Clerk will print profit/ loss for each budget item for Board to review.

12. Neighbor concern for W7584 Ethelyn Dr

Supervisor Alexander will be contacting owner to discuss concerns, after finding phone number for current owner. Alexander visited the property and noticed the grass is overgrown, but the         house is sound.  Table until future meeting.

13. New Treasurer

Emmily Taylor won the 8/22/2024 Recall Election.

Certificate of Election form provided.

Official Oath recited by Emmily Taylor and form signed by Clerk and Taylor.

14. Discuss Treasurer’s role and responsibilities

Supervisor Bergman requests to add ordinance that Board members and Treasurer needs to attend a certain amount of Board meetings.  Per Wisconsin Town’s Association, Chairman Karbash stated being an elected official, a Town official or Treasurer cannot be enforced to attend a Board meeting.

Motion by Alexander, and Second by Bergman, to table discussion to a future meeting, after additional research is completed.

Passed unanimously.

15.1st Citizens’ proposal

Motion by Bergman, Second by Overbeek, to table discussion until next month to allow new Treasurer to review proposal.

Passed unanimously.

16. Town Website and Camera at Board meeting

Motion by Overbeek, Second by Bergman, to appoint Supervisor Bergman to contact KACO Computers to verify cost of technology to videotape Board Meetings.

Passed unanimously.

17. Public Comment – No public comment for this meeting.
18. Payment of Bills

Motion by Alexander, Second by Bergman, to pay the bills.

Passed unanimously.

19. Motion by Bergman, Second by Alexander to Adjourn meeting.

Passed unanimously.

Time adjourned:   8:05 PM             Respectfully submitted,   Cindy Hafferkamp, Clerk