August 16, 2022 Board Meeting
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors
Susan Miller, Steve Wade, Tom Kraus, Dave Overbeek. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the Agenda by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion to approve the Minutes by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Clerk Ceas reported the Treasurer’s report was unavailable because Treasurer Seaver is recuperating from knee surgery.
Board Reports
Karbash – everything on the agenda – attended Board of Review last week.
Overbeek – quiet month
Miller – attended Board of Review, looked at properties on agenda, attended virtual
conference re zoning and variances – very informative.
Wade – all on Agenda, attended Board of Review and Whitewater Fire & Rescue meetings
Kraus – attended Board of Review, Whitewater Fire/EMS meeting – they plan to merge with
City of Whitewater. Town of Richmond was only township represented. Heard through the
grapevine that Milton, Johnstown, and Lima Center may leave the district and join together.
Karbash concerned about monies the Fire Department has in reserve – Kraus – asked about
that, they will keep that separate from the City’s funds.
Roadman McManaway – completed second mowing, but spotty because of cable installations in certain areas. Did some wedging and repair work. Sealcoating scheduled for last week in August, and then will do finish repairs, with road striping later on.
Whitewater Unified School District representatives Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty, Ben Prather, Thayer Coburn, and Larry Kachel presented information on the proposed Operational Referendum that will be on the November ballot, and distributed paperwork outlining the message. The revenue cap was established in 1993, and Whitewater school funding is the third lowest in the nation. This referendum is a continuation of the one approved 4 years ago that had a 4-year limit, and is needed to “keep the lights on”. There is no anticipated change in state school funding. Whitewater has a high number of special needs students, new tech ed program for Middle School students to help them in high school, drama/theatre programs for K-12 students, and excellent STEM program. Have also received a grant for a therapy dog (Winston) to help students with emotional issues. The Referendum should cause no increase in property taxes – if it does not pass, there will be devastating cuts in programs not yet determined.
Public Comment – Brienne Brown introduced herself as the Democratic Candidate for the 31st
District on the ballot in November. She gave her background and her goals, and stated she would stay for the whole meeting and would be happy to answer any questions afterwards.
Operator Licenses – Cynthia Bultman, Independent; Bobbie J. Neal & Trisha M. Vail, sponsored by Badger Bob’s. – After examination of the applications by the Board, Kraus Moved to approve the licenses, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Linda Szramiak – Turtle Lake Association Update on Weed Control Efforts and Request for Funds. – Ms. Szramiak gave a report on the weed control efforts by the Association, explained they use DASH, not chemicals to control weeds. Divers pull plants into a vacuum tube on a boat where they are put into bags. A person in a kayak collects floating fragments and also bags them. Only certain weeds not native to Turtle Lake are removed. This year areas near Snug Harbor, Turtle Lake Tap, and McIntyres were targeted – areas change each year, selected with assistance from the DNR. Motion by Overbeek to give them the $2500 budgeted for this year, Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Striping on Territorial Road near Natureland Park – Karbash received an inquiry about this. Roadman responded that it will be done after the sealcoating that is scheduled for the last week in August.
John Cochrane – Speed Bump Request – Mr. Cochrane was not present, but had contacted Supervisor Overbeek – he wants speed bumps throughout Skansen’s Subdivision. Roadman noted they require adhesive on the roads and must be taken up for snowplowing, 25mph is currently the limit. Kraus remarked that when standing in your front yard, 25mph seems a lot faster than it actually reads on the speedometer. After further discussion, Overbeek Moved to do nothing, Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
ATV Ordinance – Wade reported on the meeting with Town of Whitewater that he, Kraus, and Clerk Ceas attended. Many Town of Whitewater residents spoke in opposition. Although not receptive at first, the Town Board finally agreed to allow ATVs on R/W Townline Road from County Line Road east to Brown Road, but not on Chapel Drive and Oakwood Road. Although it is not stated in the Ordinance, Wade agreed that we would put up a sign at R/W Townline and Brown Road that all Town of Whitewater roads are closed to ATV traffic, feeling it was ok to make that commitment since they tried to work with us. If they pass a similar ordinance, we can update signage. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Miller, to approve the Ordinance, passed unanimously. Wade noted the ordinance does not become effective until after it has been published and road signs are posted. He will consult with Roadman McManaway re signage.
Generator Purchase – Overbeek reported this is for electrical installation, but vendors have been too busy to submit proposals, want to work with local vendors. Consensus to table until proposals are received.
Invitation to WW/RL Management District & GWLPOA Combined Meeting August 27 – Board members appreciated the invitation, but do not plan to attend.
Parking at Johnson Road & County A Intersection – Karbash stated he does not know what else Bob Johnson can do about this. Overbeek noted many places have overflow parking on busy nights, perhaps the Town could put up No Parking signs. Miller suggested “no parking – violators will be towed”. Bob Johnson spoke and said he has tried to work with everyone, does not know what else to do. He places cones to protect his neighbors driveway. Kraus said perhaps if roadside was mowed like grass, drivers wouldn’t park on it. Deputy Clerk Hayes suggested if one or two violators were towed and charged for the towing, the word would get around and people would stop. Motion by Overbeek to put No Parking, Violators will be Towed signs and allow the cones to stay since they are no hazard. Second by Wade, passed unanimously.
Complaints – N6468 Anderson Drive – Karbash reported receiving complaints about this property two years ago, building is in rough shape. He passed pictures to other Board members. Karbash noted Clerk Ceas had received a call from the owner earlier this evening, explaining his Mother had died, and he has health issues but is willing to work to clean it up. Karbash suggested sending a “stern” letter stating the property must be cleaned up per our Nuisance Ordinance, access to the house must be sealed and the dwelling secured. Motion by Overbeek to send the letter, Second by Miller, passed unanimously.
Payment of Bills – so Moved by Kraus, Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Motion to Adjourn by Overbeek, Second by Wade, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town Clerk