April 21, 2020 Board Meeting
Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 7:00pm Minutes
Chairman Jeff Karbash called the meeting to order. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Dave Overbeek, Susan Miller, Carol Behrens, Tom Kraus. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Behrens, to approve the Agenda, passed unanimously.
Motion by Kraus, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Minutes with a correction from Behrens that the donation was “in Memory”, not “in Honor” of her son. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Miller, Second by Overbeek, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, passed unanimously.
Board Reports
Karbash – most on the agenda, but Lake Lorraine boat landing is closed because of high water, and people parking on neighbors’ properties. Hope to work with Tony Novak and the Association to allow residents to put their boats in by appointment once the stay-at- home is lifted.
Overbeek – all on agenda Miller – nothing new Behrens – nothing new Kraus – nothing
Sheriff’s Liaison not present – no report
Public Comment – Clerk reported that Mr. & Mrs. James Cote’ had completed the donation of the property, and the Town now owns 4 lots on Cedar Rd in Skansen’s Subdivision.
Conditional Use – Dustin T. Hein, Freedom Fireworks LLC (property owners Gursahib Singh and Satinder Kaur) – Conditional Use to sell fireworks from trailer at W7505 Rowley
Road from Friday before Memorial Day until Labor Day Monday. Mr. Hein introduced himself and his father, Tom Hein, said he is working with Paul Singh re the trailer located on Uncle Buck’s property; has talked to Matt Weidensee at the County, hope the trailer could be used for other than fireworks sales, i.e. Christmas Trees, plants, etc. Chair asked if anyone wanted to speak For or Against the request – no one spoke. Clerk recommended he mention the “other uses” to Matt Weidensee since they were not listed on his application. Motion by Miller to recommend approval because it is consistent with best use of the property, the application addresses parking and safety, and the property owner supports the use, and we have had no complaints in the previous seven years. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Road Bids – Chair opened and read sealed bids received from Fahrner Asphalt, Payne & Dolan, Scott Construction, and Wolf Paving. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to award Chips/Black Slag/Crushed Granite and Cold Mix to Scott Construction, passed unanimously. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to award Hot Mix to Payne & Dolan. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to award the LRIP project to Payne & Dolan. All passed unanimously.
Discussion of Drainage Options for Territorial and Lake Lorraine Roads. – Karbash reported that a connection was made through Neal Kolb with the son of the property owner, so that Karbash and Overbeek were contacted on Sunday with no previous notice that he was available to walk the property with them. After they showed him what the Town proposed, he was willing to give us permission. Overbeek explained that just late this afternoon a snag was discovered during a conversation between Heidi Bunk and Clerk Ceas, that after the engineering study was done and owner’s permission granted with a letter, Ms. Bunk would then have to check the lake, and the pond for “transfer of exotic species” between those bodies of water and Whitewater Lake before the project could proceed. Current estimates to build up the roads are $100,000. Engineering estimates are charged by the hour, not to exceed $18,700, and include DNR permits, culverts
$30,000 at the highest. The property owners are asking that they will incur no liability, pay no real estate taxes for two years, have a freeze on the tax amounts for six years, and their attorney will review all documents. 2019 property Taxes paid in 2020 were $4,213.85 on 3 parcels. Motion by Overbeek to proceed to get more information and then call a Special Town Board meeting for further discussion. Second by Miller, passed unanimously. Overbeek will call DNR contact and ask about what Clerk was told by Ms. Bunk. Karbash will call the property owner and ask for permission for the Board to walk the property during the Special Meeting.
Permitting for Utilities Boring in Road Right-of-Way – Overbeek reported on concerns about restoration of the road right-of-way after boring for a T-Mobile fiber optic cable on Harris and Johnson Roads. This is not a cable for public internet use. Both he, Karbash, and Roadman McManaway have spoken to the crews and office personnel at Everstream. They will now be directed to put in grass and seed, and fill in holes with dirt, and not use matting to hold the seed in place. McManaway noted our ordinance is out of date. Overbeek – we should required cash bonds for this type of work in the future. This will be on the May agenda.
Revaluation – Clerk stated that the Assessor reported this would be a “market revaluation” year, but suggested that the reval be put off due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Motion by Overbeek, Second by Kraus, to hold the reval in 2021. Passed unanimously.
Sean Acheson – Brush Chipping Request – Overbeek reported he had received an inquiry if the Town does special requests for brush chipping. Our current ordinance allows this, but does not set a fee. Currently on “brush chipping Monday” we allow the first 15 minutes free, then charge $30 for each 10 minutes thereafter. McManaway stated he felt it should be $90 per additional 10 minutes due to wear and tear on the expensive chipper, and some people would like to use this method instead of hiring a lawn service. Karbash stated the ordinance will be discussed on the May agenda. McManaway said in the meantime he will do this one on the next “brush chipping Monday”. Overbeek will call Mr. Acheson and tell him the costs.
April 7 Election – Miller stated she had asked for this item because she would like to do something special for our poll workers, Roadman, and Clerk who put their health and safety on the line during the Covid-19 pandemic to proceed with the election. Clerk Ceas noted that she had only five poll workers and two door checkers, many of whom worked the 3 evenings for in-person absentee voting, all came for training and equipment testing on Saturday, all worked the election on April 7 from 6:30am to 9:00pm, and all came to finish with absentee ballots and close out the election on Monday, April 13. She also remarked that she could not have done her job without the help of Roadman McManaway. After discussion, Overbeek moved to pay each worker an additional $10/hour for the April 7 election, and raise their salary to $15 per hour for future elections. Second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Complaints – none
Payment of Bills – Motion to approve by Behrens, Second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
Motion to Adjourn by Miller, Second by Behrens, passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Ceas, WCMC Town Clerk