April 2023 Minutes
Board of Supervisor’s Meeting
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Chairman Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Karbash, Supervisors Susan
Miller, Dave Overbeek, Steven Wade, Tom Kraus.
Motion to approve the agenda by Overbeek, second by Wade, passed unanimously. Motion to approve the minutes of March meeting by Miller, second by Kraus, passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the March Treasurer’s report by Overbeek, second by Miller, passed unanimously.
Board Reports
Chairman Karbash asked Clerk Hayes if there is anything to report on the Treasurer ’s report line item “ARPA” Fund. Clerk Hayes advises the Board that we have an obligation to report our 2022 expenditures by end of April 2023. Hayes has made application for the reporting login credentials and is waiting for response from Federal ARPA reporting agency to accomplish same. Discussion ensued regarding expenditures qualifying for this fund with Clerk Hayes advising that he will provide an exact listing of those expenditures at next month’s meeting.
Karbash questions the accountant’s report regarding ARPA funds and points out that the Treasurer’s Report and the Accountant’s report differ slightly and suggests we will be able to reconcile that next month with an exact listing of year to date expenditures and an accounting of the interest earned in the account.
Karbash – reports that the complaint received and discussed during the March Board meeting at 6267 County Road P was inspected by Municipal Zoning and Inspection Services and the construction project was found to be in compliance.
Miller – on agenda Overbeek – on agenda Wade – on agenda
Kraus – Reports that a resident contacted him due to an invoice received from the Town of Richmond for $500 for a fire call from Whitewater Fire Dept. This was a result of the resident calling 911 when a tree branch fell on an electrical wire causing sparking. The resident advised the dispatcher three times “this is not a fire” but 15 minutes later a fire truck and a rescue squad showed up. Brief discussion amongst the Board of Supervisors. Chairman Karbash asked to place this item on the agenda for May.
Other Reports
Sheriff’s Liaison – No incidents to report. No arrests at this time from last month’s theft reports.
Whitewater School District – Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty explains – Just opened sign up for summer school. Looking to exceed last year ’s enrollment of 700. Fort Healthcare assisted in initiating a grant to open mental health services in the school including telehealth. Whitewater high school achieved 8 ASC certifications in Auto class. In addition, the school sent a robotics team to a competition and out of 118 teams the team came in 12th.
Land Management – A Certified Survey Map has been submitted by Combs and Associates on behalf of Robert L. Johnson and Thomas M. Johnson proposing a two (2) lot CSM to satisfy the terms of a Will. The survey map identifies the proposed location of two (2) driveways along Kilkenny Road. Petitioners are seeking a Letter of Approval from the Township. Motion to approve by Miller, second by Overbeek, passed unanimously.
An application for Variance is being submitted by Ben and Theresa Fuco, N7083 Oakwood Road, Whitewater. A plat of survey map is submitted with the request for variance. The property is steeply sloped and has incurred water erosion resulting in foundation damage. The petitioner has a “Grandfathered” setback of 3.7 feet for an existing detached garage. The plan is to move the garage, raise its elevation and attach it to the house to a setback of 8.2 feet thereby increasing the setback distance. New construction requires a setback of 12.3 feet. The setback on the other (right) side of the home will remain at 14.8 feet. The Batterman Engineering proposal provides for improved runoff from the property and neighboring properties. The application contains letters from three (3) next door neighbors in support of the plan.
Speaking on behalf of the variance was Mr. Vince Russo contractor/builder, explaining that the foundation has been compromised and needs repair, the proposed engineered solution includes a seasoned and respected excavator in both Walworth and Jefferson counties in Mr. Thomas Jaeckle. Clerk Hayes spoke on behalf of the proposal pointing out that the engineered solution actually increases the current 3.7 foot grandfathered setback to 8.2 feet and while this does not meet the 12.3 foot setback required for new construction, not only does this improve the setback, but three signed letters from immediate neighbors surrounding the property in support of this engineered solution accompany the request for variance.
Supervisor Overbeek points out that the foundation of the property has deteriorated and this proposal improves the setback of the structure. Supervisor Miller, Chair of the Township Planning Commission, points out that the Board of Supervisors viewed this property while on a recent road tour and the property is unique in that it has an extremely aggravated incline, and when coupled with the proposed engineered solution and the fact it creates no hardship to surrounding properties but in fact improves water runoff management not only for this property but neighboring properties as evidenced by the letters of support for this project, it meets the requirements for approval.
Karbash asks if there are any residents who wish to speak against this proposal and there were none.
Motion by Overbeek to approve the variance, seconded by Wade, approved unanimously.
WE Energies proposal to improve gas main on Territorial Road, Karbash inquires if a road bond is needed. Supervisor Overbeek opinions that doesn’t believe so being the gas company. Supervisor Wade advises that they have made at least two calls to the gas company because of a gas smell and the company has come out and patched it but they haven’t had this project reach the top of their to do list yet.
Overbeek motions to approve the project, Miller seconds, approved unanimously.
Southern Lakes United – Shanda Peters seeks approval for a water ski show on Friday, August 18th, 2023 beginning at 5:00pm for about 1 hour.
Overbeek motions to approve with the proviso that the Turtle Lake Association approves the show, seconded by Supervisor Kraus, approved unanimously.
Road Bids – Clerk Hayes advises the board he has published a notice requesting bids. Inquiries are beginning to come in and Hayes says he’ll work with former Clerk Ceas in preparing the bid packets.
Kraus motion to table until next meeting, seconded by Overbeek, approved unanimously. ATV/UTV Ordinance – Supervisor Wade explains that the Town ordinance needed slight update to comply with County Ordinance and explains that the red lettering provided to Board members in Wade handout have been added as Wade’s proposed update. Routes open to ATV/UTV usage were amended to include County Roads. Wade explains that the County ordinance is scheduled to become effective in July of 2023. Wade explains that the roads near Whitewater Lake are still scheduled to be closed.
Kraus motion to update Richmond Township Ordinance, Overbeek seconded, passed unanimously.
Karbash explains that regarding roads, Highway 89 will be closed beginning May 1st through the end of June, 2023. Clerk Hayes advises that there will be an informational meeting by the Project Manager on Monday April 24th, 2023 at 5:00pm at the Town Hall for Richmond residents.
Class B Liquor License Transfer – Karbash provides the Board with some history and background on the subject. The Mayor of Burlington sent Karbash a letter asking for support in petitioning the State of Wisconsin to allow the transfer of open/unused liquor licenses between municipalities. Karbash opposes such as this can result in the loss of future development of business and revenue to the Township if approved. Karbash feels these licenses should remain here, and wanted to advise the Board and ask them to consider this proposal. Karbash inquired with the Tavern League and they hadn’t heard of this proposal yet.
Following discussion, Overbeek motions to strongly oppose, second by Wade, approved unanimously.
Board of Review Training – Karbash advises that the training is being offered in remote locations around the State or online virtual. Following discussion Karbash volunteers to attend this year’s training, Hayes advises he will attend as well.
Appointment of Deputy Treasurer – Karbash announces that Treasurer Seaver has appointed Betsy Sheets as Deputy Treasurer to continue with training and assistance as part of the Town’s succession plan. The appointment began in the fall of 2022 due to Seaver’s medical condition as a part of the Town’s succession plan. Karbash and Overbeek met with Seaver following her re- election on April 4th, 2023. Karbash explains that legally as an elected official she isn’t an employee and the board’s hands are tied regarding pay adjustment and or dismissal. The appointment of Sheets ensures tax collections and all other duties continue to be carried out. Karbash hopes that Seaver’s health improves as the Town Board has no authority to adjust Seaver’s pay. If Seaver’s health does not improve, Karbash hopes that Seaver opts to donate part of her salary back to the Town to offset the additional cost of a Deputy Treasurer.
Mike Bergman town resident asks what the Treasurer ’s salary is. Karbash advises $14,000 per year.
Former Clerk Ceas advises that with benefits around $16,000 total compensation. She further explains that the Town residents are responsible for setting the elected officials salary. Once elected, that compensation cannot be changed.
Mr. Bergman expresses frustration that the Board didn’t advise town residents prior to the election about this situation. Town resident and former Chairman Wayne Redenius advises the Board that he has been contacted by two town residents who paid their taxes timely, and then got a notice from the County that their tax payments had not been paid and that they were delinquent. He also points out inconsistencies in the Treasurer ’s Report in that the report will show that the Town has five accounts one month and then six accounts the next month, causing our residents to wonder are all the financials being reported accurately.
Karbash explains that when Clerk Hayes came on board and Deputy Treasurer Sheets, he asked them to meet with our Accountant and reconcile the accounts listed on the Treasurer’s report which they have done, noting that the March Treasurer ’s report has been revised to show all accounts clearly and that the Treasurer ’s and Clerk’s ending balance match. Karbash advises the Deputy Treasurer will be present at the Town Board meetings to answer questions.
Clerk Hayes advises he will be swearing Seaver in as Treasurer and Sheets in as Deputy Treasurer on April 20th, 2023.
Complaints – Supervisor Miller provides an update on N6468 Anderson Drive stating she has gone by the property and it appears there has been some clean up activity going on.
Public Comment – Former Chairman Wayne Redenius opinioned that he wanted to thank Clerk
Hayes for “doing a tremendous job” on the Town’s very first election recount which was “handled very professionally” and further thank both he and Betsy Sheets for their efforts to review and improve upon the Treasurer’s Report and financial reporting.
Payment of Bills – Motion by Miller to approve the bills, second by Kraus, passed unanimously. Motion to adjourn by Miller, second by Wade, approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted, Brian Hayes
Town Clerk