April 16, 2024 Board Minutes

Town of Richmond
Board of Supervisor’s Meeting
April 16, 2024 7:00pm
Prior to the start of the meeting, Clerk Hayes swore in newly elected Supervisors David Alexander, (Supervisor 3), and Michael Bergman, (Supervisor 4). Both recited and signed their Oath of Office, attested by Clerk Hayes with signature and the Town Seal.
Chairman Karbash called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Present: Jeff Karbash, Supervisors Dave Overbeek, Susan Miller, David Alexander, Mike Bergman. Absent: Treasurer Ann Seaver.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion to approve the agenda by Overbeek, seconded by Bergman, approved unanimously.
Motion to approve the March 19, 2024 minutes by Overbeek, seconded by Miller, approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Overbeek, seconded by Miller, approved by majority with Karbash, Overbeek and Miller voting to approve. Alexander and Bergman voting against stating that while the total appears to be accurate, one of the columns is off by 12 cents. Alexander requests future reports be done in excel instead of hand written.
Karbash motion to rescind approval of the Treasurer’s report, second by Overbeek approved unanimously. Karbash motion to have Clerk prepare an excel report as a check and balance to the Treasurer’s report, second by Overbeek, approved unanimously.
Board Reports
Karbash reports to the Board that the Wis. Dept of Revenue is auditing our Tax Levy approval documents from the Annual Meeting and we’re waiting to hear the results of the audit. Karbash understands the State is auditing many Townships this year. Miller also understands there are multiple Townships being audited this year.
Overbeek reports that he continues to hear complaints from residents about the workmanship of the Charter Communications fiber optic cable installation, and the need for better restoration. Karbash invites Overbeek to provide a status on the project.
Overbeek reports that when Charter originally applied for a permit, they showed us a picture of the vaults (pedestals) they intended to use throughout the Township. We preferred they do boring and use underground vaults. The County administrator encouraged us to cooperate with Charter. They have used a variety of different sized vaults and the installation has resulted in larger vaults being used in people’s yards and they aren’t even installed straight. Overbeek challenged them on this telling them they weren’t using the vaults they had told us they were going to use, and they responded saying they couldn’t get those type. Because of the complaints we’ve had, crooked pedestals and rocks left lying around, Overbeek phoned them and shut them down. Two days later, they notified Overbeek they found 300 of them. As a result of the sub-standard workmanship, Overbeek proposed to Charter that we need an inspector to come around the Township and inspect their work, and proposed that Charter should pay for this, they didn’t like this but agreed. The pay rate discussed was $30/HR.
Karbash motion to hire an inspector and compensate the inspector every two weeks, at Charter Communications expense, seconded by Alexander, passed unanimously.
Karbash motion to place an advertisement for an inspector in the newspaper, seconded by Alexander, passed unanimously.
Overbeek asks Clerk Hayes to prepare an agreement between the Town of Richmond and Charter Communications for the Board to consider.
Following discussion the Board agrees to meet when a candidate(s) are identified.
Miller reports she has had several questions about zoning.
Alexander – on agenda
Bergman – on agenda
Sheriff’s Liaison
Deputy Hintz reports that there were 218 calls in Richmond Township during the month of March including 8 rescue calls, 170 in Whitewater Township, 238 in LaGrange Township, 202 in Sugar Creek Township. Hintz encourages Town residents to be sure to call the Sheriff’s department non-emergency number to advise if you intend to do a controlled burn.
Public Comment
Town resident Don Sparks extends a thank you to the Town Board for installing speed bumps along the Lake Lorraine Park, it has significantly reduced the amount of traffic and the speed of the traffic.
Town resident Wayne Redenius asks if the Treasurer’s Report can be put on the Town web site. He also asks if the minutes from Board meetings can be posted prior to their approval by the Board, and marked “NOT YET APPROVED”.
Karbash asks to have these two items placed on the next month’s agenda.
A question is asked why R&W Townline Road is not approved for ATV/UTV use.
Town Roadman McManaway explains that the Whitewater/Rice Lakes Association does NOT want ATV/UTV traffic on roads near and around the lakes. Former Board member Steven Wade explains that he was the liaison for the Richmond Township Board during the discussion and approval process for identifying roads that could be open to ATV/UTV use. He explains that he attended all of the meetings with the Whitewater Township Board and that the Whitewater Towns people were very much opposed to opening up these roads for ATV/UTV usage.
Town resident Barb Ceas extends a thank you to both Steven Wade and Tom Kraus for their many years of faithful service to the Town and its residents for serving as Supervisors on the Town Board.
Town resident Carl Redenius opinions that we have excess funds in the general checking account that could be invested to earn additional interest. Clerk Hayes advises he will discuss this with Treasurer Seaver.
Land Management
A Plat of Survey is submitted by William Steckelman, N7249 Chapel Drive, Whitewater. Mr. Steckelman is seeking approval to relocate his driveway and introduces his plan to accomplish this. Roadman McManaway advises the Board that he has reviewed the location and opinions that with some minor modifications that he has discussed with Mr. Steckelman that the plan is acceptable.
Motion by Overbeek to approve the plan, seconded by Alexander, approved unanimously.
Road Bids
Clerk Hayes provides last year’s road Bid ads, and the 2023 road bid specification sheet for the Board to review and asks them if they would make any changes for this year. Hayes provides a listing of the roads that Roadman McManaway detailed in the fall of 2023, that are in need of upgrade. Hayes asks the Board to review and advise if this listing still accurate or if it requires update.
Following discussion, the Board decides to meet on Saturday April 27, 2024 at 10:00am to take a road tour and view the roads with particular attention to those on the list prepared by Roadman McManaway.
Clerk Hayes advises the Board that last year we required sealed bids be returned by May 4th and we had a special Board meeting May 9th to open the sealed bids. He asks the Board for their preferred schedule this year.
Karbash suggests we open the sealed bids at the next Board meeting on May 21st, 2024.
Operator Permits
Gurshaw Singh Toor – Uncle Buck’s
Kayla Rae Wagner – Snug Lake Harbor
Nataly Galvan – Snug Lake Harbor
Following the Board’s review of their applications, motion by Miller to approve, seconded by Overbeek, approved unanimously.
Appointment of Weed Commissioner
Motion by Karbash to appoint Board member David Alexander as weed Commissioner, seconded by Overbeek, approved unanimously.
Board Responsibilities
Karbash invites the two new Board members to consider serving as liaison for a particular Board responsibility. Overbeek explains that he is overseeing the roads, Karbash advises he oversees every aspect of the Board and consults with the Board on all matters.
Overbeek also oversees the equipment committee and invites Bergman to consider overseeing the equipment and buildings committee.
Board member Alexander agrees to assist Overbeek with the Charter Communications oversight of the boring and restoration activities.
Overbeek motion to nominate Bergman to oversee the equipment and buildings committee, Karbash second, approved unanimously.
Payment of Bills
Overbeek motion to approve payment of bills, seconded by Miller, approved unanimously.
Motion to adjourn
Motion to adjourn by Miller, seconded by Bergman, approved unanimously.
Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully submitted,
Brian Hayes